Search Results for author: Dongchun Ren

Found 10 papers, 3 papers with code

ITPNet: Towards Instantaneous Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving

no code implementations10 Dec 2024 Rongqing Li, Changsheng Li, Yuhang Li, Hanjie Li, Yi Chen, Dongchun Ren, Ye Yuan, Guoren Wang

Trajectory prediction of agents is crucial for the safety of autonomous vehicles, whereas previous approaches usually rely on sufficiently long-observed trajectory to predict the future trajectory of the agents.

Autonomous Driving Trajectory Prediction

On the Road to Portability: Compressing End-to-End Motion Planner for Autonomous Driving

1 code implementation CVPR 2024 Kaituo Feng, Changsheng Li, Dongchun Ren, Ye Yuan, Guoren Wang

However, the oversized neural networks render them impractical for deployment on resource-constrained systems, which unavoidably requires more computational time and resources during reference. To handle this, knowledge distillation offers a promising approach that compresses models by enabling a smaller student model to learn from a larger teacher model.

Autonomous Driving Knowledge Distillation +1

GANet: Goal Area Network for Motion Forecasting

1 code implementation20 Sep 2022 Mingkun Wang, Xinge Zhu, Changqian Yu, Wei Li, Yuexin Ma, Ruochun Jin, Xiaoguang Ren, Dongchun Ren, Mingxu Wang, Wenjing Yang

In view of this, we propose a new goal area-based framework, named Goal Area Network (GANet), for motion forecasting, which models goal areas rather than exact goal coordinates as preconditions for trajectory prediction, performing more robustly and accurately.

Motion Forecasting Trajectory Prediction

CORE: Consistent Representation Learning for Face Forgery Detection

1 code implementation6 Jun 2022 Yunsheng Ni, Depu Meng, Changqian Yu, Chengbin Quan, Dongchun Ren, Youjian Zhao

Specifically, we first capture the different representations with different augmentations, then regularize the cosine distance of the representations to enhance the consistency.

Representation Learning

Sliding Sequential CVAE with Time Variant Socially-aware Rethinking for Trajectory Prediction

no code implementations28 Oct 2021 Hao Zhou, Dongchun Ren, Xu Yang, Mingyu Fan, Hai Huang

First, with the continuation of time, the prediction error at each time step increases significantly, causing the final displacement error to be impossible to ignore.

Autonomous Driving Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction +3

Robust Trajectory Forecasting for Multiple Intelligent Agents in Dynamic Scene

no code implementations27 May 2020 Yanliang Zhu, Dongchun Ren, Mingyu Fan, Deheng Qian, Xin Li, Huaxia Xia

Trajectory forecasting, or trajectory prediction, of multiple interacting agents in dynamic scenes, is an important problem for many applications, such as robotic systems and autonomous driving.

Autonomous Driving Trajectory Forecasting

StarNet: Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction using Deep Neural Network in Star Topology

no code implementations5 Jun 2019 Yanliang Zhu, Deheng Qian, Dongchun Ren, Huaxia Xia

The hub network takes observed trajectories of all pedestrians to produce a comprehensive description of the interpersonal interactions.

Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction Trajectory Prediction

On Study of the Binarized Deep Neural Network for Image Classification

no code implementations24 Feb 2016 Song Wang, Dongchun Ren, Li Chen, Wei Fan, Jun Sun, Satoshi Naoi

Unlike those trials, in this paper, we focused on the basic propagation function of the artificial neural network and proposed the binarized deep neural network.

General Classification Image Classification

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