Search Results for author: Dongkyu Lee

Found 13 papers, 3 papers with code

MATTER: Memory-Augmented Transformer Using Heterogeneous Knowledge Sources

no code implementations7 Jun 2024 Dongkyu Lee, Chandana Satya Prakash, Jack FitzGerald, Jens Lehmann

Leveraging external knowledge is crucial for achieving high performance in knowledge-intensive tasks, such as question answering.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +2

Semi-Supervised Lifelong Language Learning

1 code implementation23 Nov 2022 Yingxiu Zhao, Yinhe Zheng, Bowen Yu, Zhiliang Tian, Dongkyu Lee, Jian Sun, Haiyang Yu, Yongbin Li, Nevin L. Zhang

In this paper, we explore a novel setting, semi-supervised lifelong language learning (SSLL), where a model learns sequentially arriving language tasks with both labeled and unlabeled data.

Transfer Learning

Adaptive Label Smoothing with Self-Knowledge in Natural Language Generation

no code implementations22 Oct 2022 Dongkyu Lee, Ka Chun Cheung, Nevin L. Zhang

Furthermore, inspired by recent work in bridging label smoothing and knowledge distillation, our work utilizes self-knowledge as a prior label distribution in softening target labels, and presents theoretical support for the regularization effect by knowledge distillation and the dynamic smoothing parameter.

Knowledge Distillation Text Generation

Hard Gate Knowledge Distillation -- Leverage Calibration for Robust and Reliable Language Model

no code implementations22 Oct 2022 Dongkyu Lee, Zhiliang Tian, Yingxiu Zhao, Ka Chun Cheung, Nevin L. Zhang

The question is answered in our work with the concept of model calibration; we view a teacher model not only as a source of knowledge but also as a gauge to detect miscalibration of a student.

Knowledge Distillation Language Modeling +3

Adaptive Label Smoothing with Self-Knowledge

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Dongkyu Lee, Ka Chun Cheung, Nevin Zhang

Overconfidence has been shown to impair generalization and calibration of a neural network.

Knowledge Distillation Machine Translation

Enhancing Content Preservation in Text Style Transfer Using Reverse Attention and Conditional Layer Normalization

1 code implementation ACL 2021 Dongkyu Lee, Zhiliang Tian, Lanqing Xue, Nevin L. Zhang

A common approach is to map a given sentence to content representation that is free of style, and the content representation is fed to a decoder with a target style.

Decoder Sentence +2

Learning from My Friends: Few-Shot Personalized Conversation Systems via Social Networks

no code implementations21 May 2021 Zhiliang Tian, Wei Bi, Zihan Zhang, Dongkyu Lee, Yiping Song, Nevin L. Zhang

The task requires models to generate personalized responses for a speaker given a few conversations from the speaker and a social network.

Diversity Meta-Learning

Response-Anticipated Memory for On-Demand Knowledge Integration in Response Generation

no code implementations ACL 2020 Zhiliang Tian, Wei Bi, Dongkyu Lee, Lanqing Xue, Yiping Song, Xiaojiang Liu, Nevin L. Zhang

In previous work, the external document is utilized by (1) creating a context-aware document memory that integrates information from the document and the conversational context, and then (2) generating responses referring to the memory.

Informativeness Response Generation

Restore from Restored: Single Image Denoising with Pseudo Clean Image

no code implementations9 Mar 2020 Seunghwan Lee, Dongkyu Lee, Donghyeon Cho, Jiwon Kim, Tae Hyun Kim

However, these methods have limitations in using internal information available in a given test image.

Image Denoising

Multi-lane Detection Using Instance Segmentation and Attentive Voting

no code implementations1 Jan 2020 Donghoon Chang, Vinjohn Chirakkal, Shubham Goswami, Munawar Hasan, Taekwon Jung, Jinkeon Kang, Seok-Cheol Kee, Dongkyu Lee, Ajit Pratap Singh

Among these solutions, lane detection is one of the vital driver-assist features that play a crucial role in the decision-making process of the autonomous vehicle.

Autonomous Driving Decision Making +3

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