Search Results for author: Donglin Cao

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

A Fine-Grained Image Description Generation Method Based on Joint Objectives

no code implementations2 Sep 2023 Yifan Zhang, Chunzhen Lin, Donglin Cao, Dazhen Lin

The goal of fine-grained image description generation techniques is to learn detailed information from images and simulate human-like descriptions that provide coherent and comprehensive textual details about the image content.


Cross-Modality Earth Mover's Distance for Visible Thermal Person Re-Identification

no code implementations3 Mar 2022 Yongguo Ling, Zhun Zhong, Donglin Cao, Zhiming Luo, Yaojin Lin, Shaozi Li, Nicu Sebe

In this manner, the model will focus on reducing the inter-modality discrepancy while paying less attention to intra-identity variations, leading to a more effective modality alignment.

Person Re-Identification

Solving Large-Scale Multi-Objective Optimization via Probabilistic Prediction Model

no code implementations16 Jul 2021 Haokai Hong, Kai Ye, Min Jiang, Donglin Cao, Kay Chen Tan

At the same time, due to the adoption of an individual-based evolution mechanism, the computational cost of the proposed method is independent of the number of decision variables, thus avoiding the problem of exponential growth of the search space.

Computational Efficiency Diversity

Re-ranking Person Re-identification with k-reciprocal Encoding

no code implementations CVPR 2017 Zhun Zhong, Liang Zheng, Donglin Cao, Shaozi Li

Specifically, given an image, a k-reciprocal feature is calculated by encoding its k-reciprocal nearest neighbors into a single vector, which is used for re-ranking under the Jaccard distance.

Person Re-Identification Re-Ranking +1

Detecting Ground Control Points via Convolutional Neural Network for Stereo Matching

no code implementations8 May 2016 Zhun Zhong, Songzhi Su, Donglin Cao, Shaozi Li

Secondly, we present a ground control points selection scheme according to the maximum matching confidence of each pixel.

Stereo Matching Stereo Matching Hand

Video (GIF) Sentiment Analysis using Large-Scale Mid-Level Ontology

no code implementations2 Jun 2015 Zheng Cai, Donglin Cao, Rongrong Ji

However, GIF sentiment analysis is quite challenging, not only because it hinges on spatio-temporal visual contentabstraction, but also for the relationship between such abstraction and final sentiment remains unknown. In this paper, we dedicated to find out such relationship. We proposed a SentiPairSequence basedspatiotemporal visual sentiment ontology, which forms the midlevel representations for GIFsentiment.

Sentiment Analysis

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