Search Results for author: Dongpu Cao

Found 19 papers, 3 papers with code

Milestones in Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Vehicles Part II: Perception and Planning

no code implementations3 Jun 2023 Long Chen, Siyu Teng, Bai Li, Xiaoxiang Na, Yuchen Li, Zixuan Li, Jinjun Wang, Dongpu Cao, Nanning Zheng, Fei-Yue Wang

Growing interest in autonomous driving (AD) and intelligent vehicles (IVs) is fueled by their promise for enhanced safety, efficiency, and economic benefits.

Autonomous Driving Ethics

Milestones in Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Vehicles Part I: Control, Computing System Design, Communication, HD Map, Testing, and Human Behaviors

no code implementations12 May 2023 Long Chen, Yuchen Li, Chao Huang, Yang Xing, Daxin Tian, Li Li, Zhongxu Hu, Siyu Teng, Chen Lv, Jinjun Wang, Dongpu Cao, Nanning Zheng, Fei-Yue Wang

Our work is divided into 3 independent articles and the first part is a Survey of Surveys (SoS) for total technologies of AD and IVs that involves the history, summarizes the milestones, and provides the perspectives, ethics, and future research directions.

Autonomous Driving Ethics +1

Milestones in Autonomous Driving and Intelligent Vehicles: Survey of Surveys

no code implementations30 Mar 2023 Long Chen, Yuchen Li, Chao Huang, Bai Li, Yang Xing, Daxin Tian, Li Li, Zhongxu Hu, Xiaoxiang Na, Zixuan Li, Siyu Teng, Chen Lv, Jinjun Wang, Dongpu Cao, Nanning Zheng, Fei-Yue Wang

Interest in autonomous driving (AD) and intelligent vehicles (IVs) is growing at a rapid pace due to the convenience, safety, and economic benefits.

Autonomous Driving Ethics +1

AutoMine: An Unmanned Mine Dataset

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Yuchen Li, Zixuan Li, Siyu Teng, Yu Zhang, YuHang Zhou, Yuchang Zhu, Dongpu Cao, Bin Tian, Yunfeng Ai, Zhe XuanYuan, Long Chen

The main contributions of the AutoMine dataset are as follows: 1. The first autonomous driving dataset for perception and localization in mine scenarios.

Autonomous Driving

MSAF: Multimodal Split Attention Fusion

1 code implementation13 Dec 2020 Lang Su, Chuqing Hu, Guofa Li, Dongpu Cao

Multimodal learning mimics the reasoning process of the human multi-sensory system, which is used to perceive the surrounding world.

Action Recognition Multimodal Emotion Recognition +1

Multi-View Adaptive Fusion Network for 3D Object Detection

1 code implementation2 Nov 2020 Guojun Wang, Bin Tian, Yachen Zhang, Long Chen, Dongpu Cao, Jian Wu

3D object detection based on LiDAR-camera fusion is becoming an emerging research theme for autonomous driving.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Driving +3

Defining Digital Quadruplets in the Cyber-Physical-Social Space for Parallel Driving

no code implementations26 Jul 2020 Teng Liu, Yang Xing, Long Chen, Dongpu Cao, Fei-Yue Wang

The objectives of the three virtual digital vehicles are interacting, guiding, simulating and improving with the real vehicles.


Integrated Longitudinal Speed Decision-Making and Energy Efficiency Control for Connected Electrified Vehicles

no code implementations24 Jul 2020 Teng Liu, Bo wang, Dongpu Cao, Xiaolin Tang, Yalian Yang

As the core of this study, model predictive control and reinforcement learning are combined to improve the powertrain mobility and fuel economy for a group of automated vehicles.

Autonomous Vehicles Decision Making +4

Adaptive Energy Management for Real Driving Conditions via Transfer Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations24 Jul 2020 Teng Liu, Wenhao Tan, Xiaolin Tang, Jiaxin Chen, Dongpu Cao

This article proposes a transfer reinforcement learning (RL) based adaptive energy managing approach for a hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) with parallel topology.

energy management Management +4

Dueling Deep Q Network for Highway Decision Making in Autonomous Vehicles: A Case Study

no code implementations16 Jul 2020 Teng Liu, Xingyu Mu, Xiaolin Tang, Bing Huang, Hong Wang, Dongpu Cao

This work optimizes the highway decision making strategy of autonomous vehicles by using deep reinforcement learning (DRL).

Autonomous Vehicles Decision Making +3

Comparison of Different Methods for Time Sequence Prediction in Autonomous Vehicles

no code implementations16 Jul 2020 Teng Liu, Bin Tian, Yunfeng Ai, Long Chen, Fei Liu, Dongpu Cao

As a combination of various kinds of technologies, autonomous vehicles could complete a series of driving tasks by itself, such as perception, decision-making, planning, and control.

Autonomous Vehicles Decision Making +2

Driving Conditions-Driven Energy Management for Hybrid Electric Vehicles: A Review

no code implementations16 Jul 2020 Teng Liu, Wenhao Tan, Xiaolin Tang, Jinwei Zhang, Yang Xing, Dongpu Cao

This paper focusing on helping the relevant researchers realize the state-of-the-art of HEVs energy management field and also recognize its future development direction.

energy management Management

CenterNet3D: An Anchor Free Object Detector for Point Cloud

2 code implementations13 Jul 2020 Guojun Wang, Jian Wu, Bin Tian, Siyu Teng, Long Chen, Dongpu Cao

However, because inherent sparsity of point clouds, 3D object center points are likely to be in empty space which makes it difficult to estimate accurate boundaries.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Driving +3

Deep Learning for LiDAR Point Clouds in Autonomous Driving: A Review

no code implementations20 May 2020 Ying Li, Lingfei Ma, Zilong Zhong, Fei Liu, Dongpu Cao, Jonathan Li, Michael A. Chapman

In this paper, we provide a systematic review of existing compelling deep learning architectures applied in LiDAR point clouds, detailing for specific tasks in autonomous driving such as segmentation, detection, and classification.

3D Semantic Segmentation Autonomous Driving +6

A Spontaneous Driver Emotion Facial Expression (DEFE) Dataset for Intelligent Vehicles

no code implementations26 Apr 2020 Wenbo Li, Yaodong Cui, Yintao Ma, Xingxin Chen, Guofa Li, Gang Guo, Dongpu Cao

In this paper, we introduce a new dataset, the driver emotion facial expression (DEFE) dataset, for driver spontaneous emotions analysis.

Emotion Recognition

Affordance Learning In Direct Perception for Autonomous Driving

no code implementations20 Mar 2019 Chen Sun, Jean M. Uwabeza Vianney, Dongpu Cao

Our results indicate that this method could act as a cheaper way for training data collection in autonomous driving.

Attribute Autonomous Driving +1

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