no code implementations • 12 Jan 2021 • Dorit Aharonov, Jordan Cotler, Xiao-Liang Qi
We initiate the systematic study of experimental quantum physics from the perspective of computational complexity.
Quantum Physics Strongly Correlated Electrons
no code implementations • 6 Oct 2020 • Dorit Aharonov, Alex B. Grilo, Yupan Liu
StoqMA characterizes the computational hardness of stoquastic local Hamiltonians, which is a family of Hamiltonians that does not suffer from the sign problem.
Quantum Physics Computational Complexity
no code implementations • 18 Dec 2000 • Dorit Aharonov, Andris Ambainis, Julia Kempe, Umesh Vazirani
We set the ground for a theory of quantum walks on graphs- the generalization of random walks on finite graphs to the quantum world.
Quantum Physics
no code implementations • 15 Dec 1998 • Dorit Aharonov
I tried to put all results in their context, asking what the implications to other issues in computer science and physics are.
Quantum Physics