Search Results for author: Dotan Di Castro

Found 26 papers, 2 papers with code

Beyond Data Scarcity: A Frequency-Driven Framework for Zero-Shot Forecasting

no code implementations24 Nov 2024 Liran Nochumsohn, Michal Moshkovitz, Orly Avner, Dotan Di Castro, Omri Azencot

Time series forecasting is critical in numerous real-world applications, requiring accurate predictions of future values based on observed patterns.

Few-Shot Learning Synthetic Data Generation +2

Towards Natural Language-Driven Assembly Using Foundation Models

no code implementations23 Jun 2024 Omkar Joglekar, Tal Lancewicki, Shir Kozlovsky, Vladimir Tchuiev, Zohar Feldman, Dotan Di Castro

The main objective of these methods is to develop a generalist policy that can control robots with various embodiments.


Radar Spectra-Language Model for Automotive Scene Parsing

no code implementations4 Jun 2024 Mariia Pushkareva, Yuri Feldman, Csaba Domokos, Kilian Rambach, Dotan Di Castro

Finally, we explore the benefit of the learned representation for scene retrieval using radar spectra only, and obtain improvements in free space segmentation and object detection merely by injecting the spectra embedding into a baseline model.

Autonomous Driving Language Modelling +3

ISCUTE: Instance Segmentation of Cables Using Text Embedding

no code implementations19 Feb 2024 Shir Kozlovsky, Omkar Joglekar, Dotan Di Castro

In the field of robotics and automation, conventional object recognition and instance segmentation methods face a formidable challenge when it comes to perceiving Deformable Linear Objects (DLOs) like wires, cables, and flexible tubes.

Instance Segmentation Object Recognition +3

An Axiomatic Approach to Model-Agnostic Concept Explanations

no code implementations12 Jan 2024 Zhili Feng, Michal Moshkovitz, Dotan Di Castro, J. Zico Kolter

Concept explanation is a popular approach for examining how human-interpretable concepts impact the predictions of a model.

Model Selection

CONFIDE: Contextual Finite Differences Modelling of PDEs

2 code implementations28 Mar 2023 Ori Linial, Orly Avner, Dotan Di Castro

We introduce a method for inferring an explicit PDE from a data sample generated by previously unseen dynamics, based on a learned context.

GraphVid: It Only Takes a Few Nodes to Understand a Video

no code implementations4 Jul 2022 Eitan Kosman, Dotan Di Castro

We propose a concise representation of videos that encode perceptually meaningful features into graphs.

Superpixels Video Understanding

Towards Autonomous Grading In The Real World

no code implementations13 Jun 2022 Yakov Miron, Chana Ross, Yuval Goldfracht, Chen Tessler, Dotan Di Castro

As the heuristics are capable of successfully solving the task in the simulated environment, we show they can be leveraged to guide a learning agent which can generalize and solve the task both in simulation and in a scaled prototype environment.

InsertionNet 2.0: Minimal Contact Multi-Step Insertion Using Multimodal Multiview Sensory Input

no code implementations2 Mar 2022 Oren Spector, Vladimir Tchuiev, Dotan Di Castro

We address the problem of devising the means for a robot to rapidly and safely learn insertion skills with just a few human interventions and without hand-crafted rewards or demonstrations.

Contrastive Learning One-Shot Learning +1

AGPNet -- Autonomous Grading Policy Network

no code implementations20 Dec 2021 Chana Ross, Yakov Miron, Yuval Goldfracht, Dotan Di Castro

In this work, we establish heuristics and learning strategies for the autonomous control of a dozer grading an uneven area studded with sand piles.

Contrastive Learning reinforcement-learning +1

LSP : Acceleration and Regularization of Graph Neural Networks via Locality Sensitive Pruning of Graphs

no code implementations10 Nov 2021 Eitan Kosman, Joel Oren, Dotan Di Castro

In this paper, we take a further step towards demystifying this phenomenon and propose a systematic method called Locality-Sensitive Pruning (LSP) for graph pruning based on Locality-Sensitive Hashing.

A Hybrid Approach for Learning to Shift and Grasp with Elaborate Motion Primitives

no code implementations2 Nov 2021 Zohar Feldman, Hanna Ziesche, Ngo Anh Vien, Dotan Di Castro

Many possible fields of application of robots in real world settings hinge on the ability of robots to grasp objects.

Data Augmentation

Sim and Real: Better Together

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Shirli Di Castro Shashua, Dotan Di Castro, Shie Mannor

Simulation is used extensively in autonomous systems, particularly in robotic manipulation.

Vision-Guided Forecasting -- Visual Context for Multi-Horizon Time Series Forecasting

no code implementations27 Jul 2021 Eitan Kosman, Dotan Di Castro

We examine the contribution of vision features, and find that a model fed with vision features achieves an error that is 56. 6% and 66. 9% of the error of a model that doesn't use those features, on the Udacity and Comma2k19 datasets respectively.

Autonomous Driving Time Series +1

InsertionNet -- A Scalable Solution for Insertion

no code implementations29 Apr 2021 Oren Spector, Dotan Di Castro

Complicated assembly processes can be described as a sequence of two main activities: grasping and insertion.

SOLO: Search Online, Learn Offline for Combinatorial Optimization Problems

no code implementations4 Apr 2021 Joel Oren, Chana Ross, Maksym Lefarov, Felix Richter, Ayal Taitler, Zohar Feldman, Christian Daniel, Dotan Di Castro

This method can equally be applied to both the offline, as well as online, variants of the combinatorial problem, in which the problem components (e. g., jobs in scheduling problems) are not known in advance, but rather arrive during the decision-making process.

Combinatorial Optimization Decision Making +3

Depth Completion with RGB Prior

no code implementations18 Aug 2020 Yuri Feldman, Yoel Shapiro, Dotan Di Castro

Depth cameras are a prominent perception system for robotics, especially when operating in natural unstructured environments.

Depth Completion

One-Shot Session Recommendation Systems with Combinatorial Items

no code implementations5 Jul 2016 Yahel David, Dotan Di Castro, Zohar Karnin

Our optimization problem is formulated as an MDP where the action space is of a combinatorial nature as we recommend in each round, multiple items.

Recommendation Systems

Contextual Markov Decision Processes

no code implementations8 Feb 2015 Assaf Hallak, Dotan Di Castro, Shie Mannor

The objective is to learn a strategy that maximizes the accumulated reward across all contexts.

Policy Gradients with Variance Related Risk Criteria

no code implementations27 Jun 2012 Dotan Di Castro, Aviv Tamar, Shie Mannor

In this paper we devise a framework for local policy gradient style algorithms for reinforcement learning for variance related criteria.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

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