Search Results for author: Doyoung Park

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

RICAU-Net: Residual-block Inspired Coordinate Attention U-Net for Segmentation of Small and Sparse Calcium Lesions in Cardiac CT

no code implementations11 Sep 2024 Doyoung Park, Jinsoo Kim, Qi Chang, Shuang Leng, Liang Zhong, Lohendran Baskaran

The Agatston score, which is the sum of the calcification in the four main coronary arteries, has been widely used in the diagnosis of coronary artery disease (CAD).

D-Score: A Synapse-Inspired Approach for Filter Pruning

no code implementations8 Aug 2023 Doyoung Park, Jinsoo Kim, Jina Nam, Jooyoung Chang, Sang Min Park

This paper introduces a new aspect for determining the rank of the unimportant filters for filter pruning on convolutional neural networks (CNNs).

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