Search Results for author: DuanBing Chen

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Identifying critical nodes in complex networks by graph representation learning

no code implementations20 Jan 2022 Enyu Yu, DuanBing Chen, Yan Fu, Yuanyuan Xu

Because of its wide application, critical nodes identification has become an important research topic at the micro level of network science.

Graph Learning Graph Representation Learning

Pruning with Compensation: Efficient Channel Pruning for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

1 code implementation31 Aug 2021 Zhouyang Xie, Yan Fu, Shengzhao Tian, Junlin Zhou, DuanBing Chen

In this paper, a highly efficient pruning method is proposed to significantly reduce the cost of pruning DCNN.

Tool Breakage Detection using Deep Learning

no code implementations16 Aug 2018 Guang Li, Xin Yang, DuanBing Chen, Anxing Song, Yuke Fang, Junlin Zhou

In this work, we use the spindle current approach to detect the breakage of machine tools, which has the high performance of real-time monitoring, low cost, and easy to install.

Deep Learning Management

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