no code implementations • 27 Feb 2024 • Alison Callahan, Duncan McElfresh, Juan M. Banda, Gabrielle Bunney, Danton Char, Jonathan Chen, Conor K. Corbin, Debadutta Dash, Norman L. Downing, Sneha S. Jain, Nikesh Kotecha, Jonathan Masterson, Michelle M. Mello, Keith Morse, Srikar Nallan, Abby Pandya, Anurang Revri, Aditya Sharma, Christopher Sharp, Rahul Thapa, Michael Wornow, Alaa Youssef, Michael A. Pfeffer, Nigam H. Shah
Our novel contributions - usefulness estimates by simulation, financial projections to quantify sustainability, and a process to do ethical assessments - as well as their underlying methods and open source tools, are available for other healthcare systems to conduct actionable evaluations of candidate AI solutions.
2 code implementations • NeurIPS 2023 • Duncan McElfresh, Sujay Khandagale, Jonathan Valverde, Vishak Prasad C, Benjamin Feuer, Chinmay Hegde, Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Micah Goldblum, Colin White
To this end, we conduct the largest tabular data analysis to date, comparing 19 algorithms across 176 datasets, and we find that the 'NN vs. GBDT' debate is overemphasized: for a surprisingly high number of datasets, either the performance difference between GBDTs and NNs is negligible, or light hyperparameter tuning on a GBDT is more important than choosing between NNs and GBDTs.
1 code implementation • 23 Jun 2022 • Duncan McElfresh, Sujay Khandagale, Jonathan Valverde, John P. Dickerson, Colin White
By using far more meta-training data than prior work, RecZilla is able to substantially reduce the level of human involvement when faced with a new recommender system application.
no code implementations • 4 Mar 2020 • Phebe Vayanos, Yingxiao Ye, Duncan McElfresh, John Dickerson, Eric Rice
For the offline case, where active preference elicitation takes the form of a two and half stage robust optimization problem with decision-dependent information discovery, we provide an equivalent reformulation in the form of a mixed-binary linear program which we solve via column-and-constraint generation.