Search Results for author: Edgar A. Duéñez-Guzmán

Found 10 papers, 4 papers with code

Melting Pot 2.0

4 code implementations24 Nov 2022 John P. Agapiou, Alexander Sasha Vezhnevets, Edgar A. Duéñez-Guzmán, Jayd Matyas, Yiran Mao, Peter Sunehag, Raphael Köster, Udari Madhushani, Kavya Kopparapu, Ramona Comanescu, DJ Strouse, Michael B. Johanson, Sukhdeep Singh, Julia Haas, Igor Mordatch, Dean Mobbs, Joel Z. Leibo

Melting Pot is a research tool developed to facilitate work on multi-agent artificial intelligence, and provides an evaluation protocol that measures generalization to novel social partners in a set of canonical test scenarios.

Artificial Life Navigate

Hidden Agenda: a Social Deduction Game with Diverse Learned Equilibria

no code implementations5 Jan 2022 Kavya Kopparapu, Edgar A. Duéñez-Guzmán, Jayd Matyas, Alexander Sasha Vezhnevets, John P. Agapiou, Kevin R. McKee, Richard Everett, Janusz Marecki, Joel Z. Leibo, Thore Graepel

A key challenge in the study of multiagent cooperation is the need for individual agents not only to cooperate effectively, but to decide with whom to cooperate.

Statistical discrimination in learning agents

no code implementations21 Oct 2021 Edgar A. Duéñez-Guzmán, Kevin R. McKee, Yiran Mao, Ben Coppin, Silvia Chiappa, Alexander Sasha Vezhnevets, Michiel A. Bakker, Yoram Bachrach, Suzanne Sadedin, William Isaac, Karl Tuyls, Joel Z. Leibo

Undesired bias afflicts both human and algorithmic decision making, and may be especially prevalent when information processing trade-offs incentivize the use of heuristics.

Decision Making Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning

DeepMind Lab2D

1 code implementation13 Nov 2020 Charles Beattie, Thomas Köppe, Edgar A. Duéñez-Guzmán, Joel Z. Leibo

We present DeepMind Lab2D, a scalable environment simulator for artificial intelligence research that facilitates researcher-led experimentation with environment design.

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

Social diversity and social preferences in mixed-motive reinforcement learning

no code implementations6 Feb 2020 Kevin R. McKee, Ian Gemp, Brian McWilliams, Edgar A. Duéñez-Guzmán, Edward Hughes, Joel Z. Leibo

Recent research on reinforcement learning in pure-conflict and pure-common interest games has emphasized the importance of population heterogeneity.

Diversity reinforcement-learning +2

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