Search Results for author: Edoardo Barba

Found 11 papers, 9 papers with code

ConSeC: Word Sense Disambiguation as Continuous Sense Comprehension

1 code implementation EMNLP 2021 Edoardo Barba, Luigi Procopio, Roberto Navigli

Supervised systems have nowadays become the standard recipe for Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), with Transformer-based language models as their primary ingredient.

Word Sense Disambiguation

ExtEnD: Extractive Entity Disambiguation

1 code implementation ACL 2022 Edoardo Barba, Luigi Procopio, Roberto Navigli

Local models for Entity Disambiguation (ED) have today become extremely powerful, in most part thanks to the advent of large pre-trained language models.

Entity Disambiguation

Guardians of the Machine Translation Meta-Evaluation: Sentinel Metrics Fall In!

1 code implementation25 Aug 2024 Stefano Perrella, Lorenzo Proietti, Alessandro Scirè, Edoardo Barba, Roberto Navigli

Annually, at the Conference of Machine Translation (WMT), the Metrics Shared Task organizers conduct the meta-evaluation of Machine Translation (MT) metrics, ranking them according to their correlation with human judgments.

Fairness Machine Translation +1

ReLiK: Retrieve and LinK, Fast and Accurate Entity Linking and Relation Extraction on an Academic Budget

2 code implementations31 Jul 2024 Riccardo Orlando, Pere-Lluis Huguet Cabot, Edoardo Barba, Roberto Navigli

Entity Linking (EL) and Relation Extraction (RE) are fundamental tasks in Natural Language Processing, serving as critical components in a wide range of applications.

Document-level Closed Information Extraction Entity Linking +1

Maverick: Efficient and Accurate Coreference Resolution Defying Recent Trends

1 code implementation31 Jul 2024 Giuliano Martinelli, Edoardo Barba, Roberto Navigli

Large autoregressive generative models have emerged as the cornerstone for achieving the highest performance across several Natural Language Processing tasks.


The Effect of Training Schedules on Morphological Robustness and Generalization

1 code implementation19 Jul 2024 Edoardo Barba, Anil Yaman, Giovanni Iacca

In this paper, we define various training schedules to specify how these variations are introduced during an evolutionary learning process.

Code-Switching with Word Senses for Pretraining in Neural Machine Translation

no code implementations21 Oct 2023 Vivek Iyer, Edoardo Barba, Alexandra Birch, Jeff Z. Pan, Roberto Navigli

Lexical ambiguity is a significant and pervasive challenge in Neural Machine Translation (NMT), with many state-of-the-art (SOTA) NMT systems struggling to handle polysemous words (Campolungo et al., 2022).

Denoising Machine Translation +2

Semantic Role Labeling Meets Definition Modeling: Using Natural Language to Describe Predicate-Argument Structures

1 code implementation2 Dec 2022 Simone Conia, Edoardo Barba, Alessandro Scirè, Roberto Navigli

One of the common traits of past and present approaches for Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) is that they rely upon discrete labels drawn from a predefined linguistic inventory to classify predicate senses and their arguments.

Semantic Role Labeling

Entity Disambiguation with Entity Definitions

1 code implementation11 Oct 2022 Luigi Procopio, Simone Conia, Edoardo Barba, Roberto Navigli

Local models have recently attained astounding performances in Entity Disambiguation (ED), with generative and extractive formulations being the most promising research directions.

Entity Disambiguation

ESC: Redesigning WSD with Extractive Sense Comprehension

1 code implementation NAACL 2021 Edoardo Barba, Tommaso Pasini, Roberto Navigli

By means of an extensive array of experiments, we show that ESC unleashes the full potential of our model, leading it to outdo all of its competitors and to set a new state of the art on the English WSD task.

Multi-Label Classification Sentence +1

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