Search Results for author: Edoardo Ponti

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

Natural Language Processing for Multilingual Task-Oriented Dialogue

no code implementations ACL 2022 Evgeniia Razumovskaia, Goran Glavaš, Olga Majewska, Edoardo Ponti, Ivan Vulić

In this tutorial, we will thus discuss and demonstrate the importance of (building) multilingual ToD systems, and then provide a systematic overview of current research gaps, challenges and initiatives related to multilingual ToD systems, with a particular focus on their connections to current research and challenges in multilingual and low-resource NLP.

Multi-Head Adapter Routing for Cross-Task Generalization

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2023 Lucas Caccia, Edoardo Ponti, Zhan Su, Matheus Pereira, Nicolas Le Roux, Alessandro Sordoni

We find that routing is most beneficial during multi-task pre-training rather than during few-shot adaptation and propose $\texttt{MHR}$-$\mu$, which discards routing and fine-tunes the average of the pre-trained adapters on each downstream tasks.

parameter-efficient fine-tuning

Same Neurons, Different Languages: Probing Morphosyntax in Multilingual Pre-trained Models

2 code implementations NAACL 2022 Karolina Stańczak, Edoardo Ponti, Lucas Torroba Hennigen, Ryan Cotterell, Isabelle Augenstein

The success of multilingual pre-trained models is underpinned by their ability to learn representations shared by multiple languages even in absence of any explicit supervision.

Image Retrieval from Contextual Descriptions

1 code implementation ACL 2022 Benno Krojer, Vaibhav Adlakha, Vibhav Vineet, Yash Goyal, Edoardo Ponti, Siva Reddy

In particular, models are tasked with retrieving the correct image from a set of 10 minimally contrastive candidates based on a contextual description.

Image Retrieval Retrieval

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