Search Results for author: Edward F. Valeev

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

MADNESS: A Multiresolution, Adaptive Numerical Environment for Scientific Simulation

no code implementations5 Jul 2015 Robert J. Harrison, Gregory Beylkin, Florian A. Bischoff, Justus A. Calvin, George I. Fann, Jacob Fosso-Tande, Diego Galindo, Jeff R. Hammond, Rebecca Hartman-Baker, Judith C. Hill, Jun Jia, Jakob S. Kottmann, M-J. Yvonne Ou, Laura E. Ratcliff, Matthew G. Reuter, Adam C. Richie-Halford, Nichols A. Romero, Hideo Sekino, William A. Shelton, Bryan E. Sundahl, W. Scott Thornton, Edward F. Valeev, Álvaro Vázquez-Mayagoitia, Nicholas Vence, Yukina Yokoi

MADNESS (multiresolution adaptive numerical environment for scientific simulation) is a high-level software environment for solving integral and differential equations in many dimensions that uses adaptive and fast harmonic analysis methods with guaranteed precision based on multiresolution analysis and separated representations.

Mathematical Software Computational Engineering, Finance, and Science Numerical Analysis

Task-Based Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication: A Step Towards Block-Sparse Tensor Computing

1 code implementation20 Apr 2015 Justus A. Calvin, Edward F. Valeev

Distributed-memory matrix multiplication (MM) is a key element of algorithms in many domains (machine learning, quantum physics).

Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing

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