Search Results for author: Edward Gillman

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Combining Reinforcement Learning and Tensor Networks, with an Application to Dynamical Large Deviations

1 code implementation28 Sep 2022 Edward Gillman, Dominic C. Rose, Juan P. Garrahan

We present a framework to integrate tensor network (TN) methods with reinforcement learning (RL) for solving dynamical optimisation tasks.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning (RL) +1

A Tensor Network Approach to Finite Markov Decision Processes

no code implementations12 Feb 2020 Edward Gillman, Dominic C. Rose, Juan P. Garrahan

Tensor network (TN) techniques - often used in the context of quantum many-body physics - have shown promise as a tool for tackling machine learning (ML) problems.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

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