Search Results for author: Edward Schmerling

Found 20 papers, 6 papers with code

Diagnostic Runtime Monitoring with Martingales

no code implementations31 Jul 2024 Ali Hindy, Rachel Luo, Somrita Banerjee, Jonathan Kuck, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

Machine learning systems deployed in safety-critical robotics settings must be robust to distribution shifts.

Real-Time Anomaly Detection and Reactive Planning with Large Language Models

no code implementations11 Jul 2024 Rohan Sinha, Amine Elhafsi, Christopher Agia, Matthew Foutter, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

Foundation models, e. g., large language models (LLMs), trained on internet-scale data possess zero-shot generalization capabilities that make them a promising technology towards detecting and mitigating out-of-distribution failure modes of robotic systems.

Anomaly Detection Autonomous Vehicles +2

Language-Image Models with 3D Understanding

no code implementations6 May 2024 Jang Hyun Cho, Boris Ivanovic, Yulong Cao, Edward Schmerling, Yue Wang, Xinshuo Weng, Boyi Li, Yurong You, Philipp Krähenbühl, Yan Wang, Marco Pavone

Our experiments on outdoor benchmarks demonstrate that Cube-LLM significantly outperforms existing baselines by 21. 3 points of AP-BEV on the Talk2Car dataset for 3D grounded reasoning and 17. 7 points on the DriveLM dataset for complex reasoning about driving scenarios, respectively.

Question Answering Visual Question Answering

Closing the Loop on Runtime Monitors with Fallback-Safe MPC

no code implementations15 Sep 2023 Rohan Sinha, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

When we rely on deep-learned models for robotic perception, we must recognize that these models may behave unreliably on inputs dissimilar from the training data, compromising the closed-loop system's safety.

Conformal Prediction Model Predictive Control

Leveraging Compositional Methods for Modeling and Verification of an Autonomous Taxi System

1 code implementation26 Apr 2023 Alessandro Pinto, Anthony Corso, Edward Schmerling

We apply a compositional formal modeling and verification method to an autonomous aircraft taxi system.

A System-Level View on Out-of-Distribution Data in Robotics

no code implementations28 Dec 2022 Rohan Sinha, Apoorva Sharma, Somrita Banerjee, Thomas Lew, Rachel Luo, Spencer M. Richards, Yixiao Sun, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

When testing conditions differ from those represented in training data, so-called out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs can mar the reliability of learned components in the modern robot autonomy stack.

Online Distribution Shift Detection via Recency Prediction

no code implementations17 Nov 2022 Rachel Luo, Rohan Sinha, Yixiao Sun, Ali Hindy, Shengjia Zhao, Silvio Savarese, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

When deploying modern machine learning-enabled robotic systems in high-stakes applications, detecting distribution shift is critical.

Data Lifecycle Management in Evolving Input Distributions for Learning-based Aerospace Applications

1 code implementation14 Sep 2022 Somrita Banerjee, Apoorva Sharma, Edward Schmerling, Max Spolaor, Michael Nemerouf, Marco Pavone

Algorithms within this framework are evaluated based on (1) model performance throughout mission lifetime and (2) cumulative costs associated with labeling and model retraining.

Active Learning Management +2

Second-Order Sensitivity Analysis for Bilevel Optimization

3 code implementations4 May 2022 Robert Dyro, Edward Schmerling, Nikos Arechiga, Marco Pavone

Many existing approaches to bilevel optimization employ first-order sensitivity analysis, based on the implicit function theorem (IFT), for the lower problem to derive a gradient of the lower problem solution with respect to its parameters; this IFT gradient is then used in a first-order optimization method for the upper problem.

Bilevel Optimization

A Unified View of SDP-based Neural Network Verification through Completely Positive Programming

no code implementations6 Mar 2022 Robin Brown, Edward Schmerling, Navid Azizan, Marco Pavone

Verifying that input-output relationships of a neural network conform to prescribed operational specifications is a key enabler towards deploying these networks in safety-critical applications.

On the Problem of Reformulating Systems with Uncertain Dynamics as a Stochastic Differential Equation

no code implementations11 Nov 2021 Thomas Lew, Apoorva Sharma, James Harrison, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

We identify an issue in recent approaches to learning-based control that reformulate systems with uncertain dynamics using a stochastic differential equation.

Sample-Efficient Safety Assurances using Conformal Prediction

no code implementations28 Sep 2021 Rachel Luo, Shengjia Zhao, Jonathan Kuck, Boris Ivanovic, Silvio Savarese, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

When deploying machine learning models in high-stakes robotics applications, the ability to detect unsafe situations is crucial.

Conformal Prediction Robotic Grasping

Towards Data-Driven Synthesis of Autonomous Vehicle Safety Concepts

no code implementations30 Jul 2021 Karen Leung, Andrea Bajcsy, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

As safety-critical autonomous vehicles (AVs) will soon become pervasive in our society, a number of safety concepts for trusted AV deployment have recently been proposed throughout industry and academia.

Autonomous Vehicles Inductive Bias

Local Calibration: Metrics and Recalibration

no code implementations22 Feb 2021 Rachel Luo, Aadyot Bhatnagar, Yu Bai, Shengjia Zhao, Huan Wang, Caiming Xiong, Silvio Savarese, Stefano Ermon, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

In this work, we propose the local calibration error (LCE) to span the gap between average and individual reliability.

Decision Making Fairness

Multimodal Deep Generative Models for Trajectory Prediction: A Conditional Variational Autoencoder Approach

no code implementations10 Aug 2020 Boris Ivanovic, Karen Leung, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

Human behavior prediction models enable robots to anticipate how humans may react to their actions, and hence are instrumental to devising safe and proactive robot planning algorithms.

Trajectory Prediction

Learned Critical Probabilistic Roadmaps for Robotic Motion Planning

no code implementations8 Oct 2019 Brian Ichter, Edward Schmerling, Tsang-Wei Edward Lee, Aleksandra Faust

Critical PRMs are demonstrated to achieve up to three orders of magnitude improvement over uniform sampling, while preserving the guarantees and complexity of sampling-based motion planning.

Motion Planning

Generative Modeling of Multimodal Multi-Human Behavior

1 code implementation6 Mar 2018 Boris Ivanovic, Edward Schmerling, Karen Leung, Marco Pavone

This work presents a methodology for modeling and predicting human behavior in settings with N humans interacting in highly multimodal scenarios (i. e. where there are many possible highly-distinct futures).

Robotics Human-Computer Interaction

Multimodal Probabilistic Model-Based Planning for Human-Robot Interaction

1 code implementation25 Oct 2017 Edward Schmerling, Karen Leung, Wolf Vollprecht, Marco Pavone

This paper presents a method for constructing human-robot interaction policies in settings where multimodality, i. e., the possibility of multiple highly distinct futures, plays a critical role in decision making.

Decision Making

Monte Carlo Motion Planning for Robot Trajectory Optimization Under Uncertainty

1 code implementation30 Apr 2015 Lucas Janson, Edward Schmerling, Marco Pavone

MCMP applies this CP estimation procedure to motion planning by iteratively (i) computing an (approximately) optimal path for the deterministic version of the problem (here, using the FMT* algorithm), (ii) computing the CP of this path, and (iii) inflating or deflating the obstacles by a common factor depending on whether the CP is higher or lower than a target value.


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