Search Results for author: Edward Wong

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Confidence Trigger Detection: Accelerating Real-time Tracking-by-detection Systems

no code implementations2 Feb 2019 Zhicheng Ding, Zhixin Lai, Siyang Li, Panfeng Li, Qikai Yang, Edward Wong

Real-time object tracking necessitates a delicate balance between speed and accuracy, a challenge exacerbated by the computational demands of deep learning methods.

Autonomous Driving object-detection +2

DeepShape: Deep Learned Shape Descriptor for 3D Shape Matching and Retrieval

no code implementations CVPR 2015 Jin Xie, Yi Fang, Fan Zhu, Edward Wong

Then, by imposing the Fisher discrimination criterion on the neurons in the hidden layer, we developed a novel discriminative deep auto-encoder for shape feature learning.


3D Deep Shape Descriptor

no code implementations CVPR 2015 Yi Fang, Jin Xie, Guoxian Dai, Meng Wang, Fan Zhu, Tiantian Xu, Edward Wong

Shape descriptor is a concise yet informative representation that provides a 3D object with an identification as a member of some category.

3D Shape Classification 3D Shape Retrieval +1

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