Search Results for author: Edwige Cyffers

Found 7 papers, 7 papers with code

Optimal Classification under Performative Distribution Shift

1 code implementation4 Nov 2024 Edwige Cyffers, Muni Sreenivas Pydi, Jamal Atif, Olivier Cappé

Performative learning addresses the increasingly pervasive situations in which algorithmic decisions may induce changes in the data distribution as a consequence of their public deployment.

Classification Robust classification

Privacy Attacks in Decentralized Learning

1 code implementation15 Feb 2024 Abdellah El Mrini, Edwige Cyffers, Aurélien Bellet

Decentralized Gradient Descent (D-GD) allows a set of users to perform collaborative learning without sharing their data by iteratively averaging local model updates with their neighbors in a network graph.

Reconstruction Attack

Differentially Private Decentralized Learning with Random Walks

1 code implementation12 Feb 2024 Edwige Cyffers, Aurélien Bellet, Jalaj Upadhyay

The popularity of federated learning comes from the possibility of better scalability and the ability for participants to keep control of their data, improving data security and sovereignty.

Federated Learning

From Noisy Fixed-Point Iterations to Private ADMM for Centralized and Federated Learning

1 code implementation24 Feb 2023 Edwige Cyffers, Aurélien Bellet, Debabrota Basu

We study differentially private (DP) machine learning algorithms as instances of noisy fixed-point iterations, in order to derive privacy and utility results from this well-studied framework.

Federated Learning

Muffliato: Peer-to-Peer Privacy Amplification for Decentralized Optimization and Averaging

1 code implementation10 Jun 2022 Edwige Cyffers, Mathieu Even, Aurélien Bellet, Laurent Massoulié

In this work, we introduce pairwise network differential privacy, a relaxation of LDP that captures the fact that the privacy leakage from a node $u$ to a node $v$ may depend on their relative position in the graph.

Graph Matching

Privacy Amplification by Decentralization

1 code implementation9 Dec 2020 Edwige Cyffers, Aurélien Bellet

In this work, we introduce a novel relaxation of local differential privacy (LDP) that naturally arises in fully decentralized algorithms, i. e., when participants exchange information by communicating along the edges of a network graph without central coordinator.

Federated Learning

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