Search Results for author: Ege Özsoy

Found 11 papers, 8 papers with code

ORacle: Large Vision-Language Models for Knowledge-Guided Holistic OR Domain Modeling

1 code implementation10 Apr 2024 Ege Özsoy, Chantal Pellegrini, Matthias Keicher, Nassir Navab

This demonstrates ORacle's potential to significantly enhance the scalability and affordability of OR domain modeling and opens a pathway for future advancements in surgical data science.

Data Augmentation Graph Generation +2

RaDialog: A Large Vision-Language Model for Radiology Report Generation and Conversational Assistance

1 code implementation30 Nov 2023 Chantal Pellegrini, Ege Özsoy, Benjamin Busam, Nassir Navab, Matthias Keicher

Conversational AI tools that can generate and discuss clinically correct radiology reports for a given medical image have the potential to transform radiology.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +2

Dynamic Scene Graph Representation for Surgical Video

no code implementations25 Sep 2023 Felix Holm, Ghazal Ghazaei, Tobias Czempiel, Ege Özsoy, Stefan Saur, Nassir Navab

Surgical videos captured from microscopic or endoscopic imaging devices are rich but complex sources of information, depicting different tools and anatomical structures utilized during an extended amount of time.

Rad-ReStruct: A Novel VQA Benchmark and Method for Structured Radiology Reporting

1 code implementation11 Jul 2023 Chantal Pellegrini, Matthias Keicher, Ege Özsoy, Nassir Navab

However, there is limited research on automating structured reporting, and no public benchmark is available for evaluating and comparing different methods.

Medical Visual Question Answering Question Answering +2

LABRAD-OR: Lightweight Memory Scene Graphs for Accurate Bimodal Reasoning in Dynamic Operating Rooms

1 code implementation23 Mar 2023 Ege Özsoy, Tobias Czempiel, Felix Holm, Chantal Pellegrini, Nassir Navab

The holistic representation of surgical scenes as semantic scene graphs (SGG), where entities are represented as nodes and relations between them as edges, is a promising direction for fine-grained semantic OR understanding.

Scene Graph Generation

Location-Free Scene Graph Generation

1 code implementation20 Mar 2023 Ege Özsoy, Felix Holm, Mahdi Saleh, Tobias Czempiel, Chantal Pellegrini, Nassir Navab, Benjamin Busam

Scene Graph Generation (SGG) is a visual understanding task, aiming to describe a scene as a graph of entities and their relationships with each other.

Graph Generation Image Retrieval +3

4D-OR: Semantic Scene Graphs for OR Domain Modeling

1 code implementation22 Mar 2022 Ege Özsoy, Evin Pınar Örnek, Ulrich Eck, Tobias Czempiel, Federico Tombari, Nassir Navab

Towards this goal, for the first time, we propose using semantic scene graphs (SSG) to describe and summarize the surgical scene.

Scene Graph Generation

Multimodal Semantic Scene Graphs for Holistic Modeling of Surgical Procedures

no code implementations9 Jun 2021 Ege Özsoy, Evin Pınar Örnek, Ulrich Eck, Federico Tombari, Nassir Navab

We then use MSSG to introduce a dynamically generated graphical user interface tool for surgical procedure analysis which could be used for many applications including process optimization, OR design and automatic report generation.

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