Search Results for author: Egon Burian

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

U-GAT: Multimodal Graph Attention Network for COVID-19 Outcome Prediction

no code implementations29 Jul 2021 Matthias Keicher, Hendrik Burwinkel, David Bani-Harouni, Magdalini Paschali, Tobias Czempiel, Egon Burian, Marcus R. Makowski, Rickmer Braren, Nassir Navab, Thomas Wendler

Specifically, we introduce a multimodal similarity metric to build a population graph for clustering patients and an image-based end-to-end Graph Attention Network to process this graph and predict the COVID-19 patient outcomes: admission to ICU, need for ventilation and mortality.

Clustering Decision Making +2

Longitudinal Quantitative Assessment of COVID-19 Infection Progression from Chest CTs

1 code implementation12 Mar 2021 Seong Tae Kim, Leili Goli, Magdalini Paschali, Ashkan Khakzar, Matthias Keicher, Tobias Czempiel, Egon Burian, Rickmer Braren, Nassir Navab, Thomas Wendler

Chest computed tomography (CT) has played an essential diagnostic role in assessing patients with COVID-19 by showing disease-specific image features such as ground-glass opacity and consolidation.

Computed Tomography (CT) COVID-19 Image Segmentation +2

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