Search Results for author: Eiichi Matsumoto

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

Multi-View Neural Surface Reconstruction with Structured Light

no code implementations22 Nov 2022 Chunyu Li, Taisuke Hashimoto, Eiichi Matsumoto, Hiroharu Kato

Three-dimensional (3D) object reconstruction based on differentiable rendering (DR) is an active research topic in computer vision.

3D Object Reconstruction Surface Reconstruction

Decomposing NeRF for Editing via Feature Field Distillation

1 code implementation31 May 2022 Sosuke Kobayashi, Eiichi Matsumoto, Vincent Sitzmann

Emerging neural radiance fields (NeRF) are a promising scene representation for computer graphics, enabling high-quality 3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis from image observations.

3D Reconstruction Novel View Synthesis

Surface-Aligned Neural Radiance Fields for Controllable 3D Human Synthesis

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Tianhan Xu, Yasuhiro Fujita, Eiichi Matsumoto

Our method defines the neural scene representation on the mesh surface points and signed distances from the surface of a human body mesh.

Addressing Class Imbalance in Scene Graph Parsing by Learning to Contrast and Score

1 code implementation28 Sep 2020 He Huang, Shunta Saito, Yuta Kikuchi, Eiichi Matsumoto, Wei Tang, Philip S. Yu

Motivated by the fact that detecting these rare relations can be critical in real-world applications, this paper introduces a novel integrated framework of classification and ranking to resolve the class imbalance problem in scene graph parsing.

Map-based Multi-Policy Reinforcement Learning: Enhancing Adaptability of Robots by Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations17 Oct 2017 Ayaka Kume, Eiichi Matsumoto, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Wilson Ko, Jethro Tan

To solve this problem, we propose Map-based Multi-Policy Reinforcement Learning (MMPRL), which aims to search and store multiple policies that encode different behavioral features while maximizing the expected reward in advance of the environment change.

Bayesian Optimization reinforcement-learning +2

Learning Discrete Representations via Information Maximizing Self-Augmented Training

2 code implementations ICML 2017 Weihua Hu, Takeru Miyato, Seiya Tokui, Eiichi Matsumoto, Masashi Sugiyama

Learning discrete representations of data is a central machine learning task because of the compactness of the representations and ease of interpretation.

Ranked #3 on Unsupervised Image Classification on SVHN (using extra training data)

Clustering Data Augmentation +1

Temporal Generative Adversarial Nets with Singular Value Clipping

4 code implementations ICCV 2017 Masaki Saito, Eiichi Matsumoto, Shunta Saito

In this paper, we propose a generative model, Temporal Generative Adversarial Nets (TGAN), which can learn a semantic representation of unlabeled videos, and is capable of generating videos.

Video Generation

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