Search Results for author: Eilam Gross

Found 8 papers, 4 papers with code

Denoising Graph Super-Resolution towards Improved Collider Event Reconstruction

no code implementations24 Sep 2024 Nilotpal Kakati, Etienne Dreyer, Eilam Gross

Accurately reconstructing particles from detector data is a critical challenge in experimental particle physics, where the spatial resolution of calorimeters has a crucial impact.

Denoising Super-Resolution

PASCL: Supervised Contrastive Learning with Perturbative Augmentation for Particle Decay Reconstruction

1 code implementation18 Feb 2024 Junjian Lu, Siwei Liu, Dmitrii Kobylianski, Etienne Dreyer, Eilam Gross, Shangsong Liang

In high-energy physics, particles produced in collision events decay in a format of a hierarchical tree structure, where only the final decay products can be observed using detectors.

Contrastive Learning

Secondary Vertex Finding in Jets with Neural Networks

1 code implementation6 Aug 2020 Jonathan Shlomi, Sanmay Ganguly, Eilam Gross, Kyle Cranmer, Yaron Lipman, Hadar Serviansky, Haggai Maron, Nimrod Segol

Jet classification is an important ingredient in measurements and searches for new physics at particle coliders, and secondary vertex reconstruction is a key intermediate step in building powerful jet classifiers.

High Energy Physics - Experiment High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

Towards a Computer Vision Particle Flow

no code implementations19 Mar 2020 Francesco Armando Di Bello, Sanmay Ganguly, Eilam Gross, Marumi Kado, Michael Pitt, Lorenzo Santi, Jonathan Shlomi

At the heart of PFlow algorithms is the ability to distinguish the calorimeter energy deposits of neutral particles from those of charged particles, using the complementary measurements of charged particle tracking devices, to provide a superior measurement of the particle content and kinematics.


Set2Graph: Learning Graphs From Sets

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2020 Hadar Serviansky, Nimrod Segol, Jonathan Shlomi, Kyle Cranmer, Eilam Gross, Haggai Maron, Yaron Lipman

Many problems in machine learning can be cast as learning functions from sets to graphs, or more generally to hypergraphs; in short, Set2Graph functions.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Clustering

Asymptotic formulae for likelihood-based tests of new physics

9 code implementations10 Jul 2010 Glen Cowan, Kyle Cranmer, Eilam Gross, Ofer Vitells

We describe likelihood-based statistical tests for use in high energy physics for the discovery of new phenomena and for construction of confidence intervals on model parameters.

Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability High Energy Physics - Experiment

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