Search Results for author: Eitan Farchi

Found 23 papers, 3 papers with code

Exploring Straightforward Conversational Red-Teaming

no code implementations7 Sep 2024 George Kour, Naama Zwerdling, Marcel Zalmanovici, Ateret Anaby-Tavor, Ora Nova Fandina, Eitan Farchi

Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly used in business dialogue systems but they pose security and ethical risks.

Can You Trust Your Metric? Automatic Concatenation-Based Tests for Metric Validity

no code implementations22 Aug 2024 Ora Nova Fandina, Leshem Choshen, Eitan Farchi, George Kour, Yotam Perlitz, Orna Raz

We applied these tests in a model safety scenario to assess the reliability of harmfulness detection metrics, uncovering a number of inconsistencies.

Language Modelling Large Language Model +1

Generating Unseen Code Tests In Infinitum

no code implementations29 Jul 2024 Marcel Zalmanovici, Orna Raz, Eitan Farchi, Iftach Freund

Large Language Models (LLMs) are used for many tasks, including those related to coding.

Code Generation regression +1

Using Combinatorial Optimization to Design a High quality LLM Solution

no code implementations15 May 2024 Samuel Ackerman, Eitan Farchi, Rami Katan, Orna Raz

Next, a set of interactions between the factors are defined and combinatorial optimization is used to create a small subset $P$ that ensures all desired interactions occur in $P$.

AutoML Combinatorial Optimization

Predicting Question-Answering Performance of Large Language Models through Semantic Consistency

no code implementations2 Nov 2023 Ella Rabinovich, Samuel Ackerman, Orna Raz, Eitan Farchi, Ateret Anaby-Tavor

Semantic consistency of a language model is broadly defined as the model's ability to produce semantically-equivalent outputs, given semantically-equivalent inputs.

Language Modelling Question Answering

Characterizing how 'distributional' NLP corpora distance metrics are

1 code implementation23 Oct 2023 Samuel Ackerman, George Kour, Eitan Farchi

We quantify this quality by constructing a Known-Similarity Corpora set from two paraphrase corpora and calculating the distance between paired corpora from it.

Data Drift Monitoring for Log Anomaly Detection Pipelines

no code implementations17 Oct 2023 Dipak Wani, Samuel Ackerman, Eitan Farchi, Xiaotong Liu, Hau-wen Chang, Sarasi Lalithsena

Logs enable the monitoring of infrastructure status and the performance of associated applications.

Anomaly Detection

Automatic Generation of Attention Rules For Containment of Machine Learning Model Errors

no code implementations14 May 2023 Samuel Ackerman, Axel Bendavid, Eitan Farchi, Orna Raz

The approach we propose is to separate the observations that are the most likely to be predicted incorrectly into 'attention sets'.

Decision Making

Convex Bounds on the Softmax Function with Applications to Robustness Verification

1 code implementation3 Mar 2023 Dennis Wei, Haoze Wu, Min Wu, Pin-Yu Chen, Clark Barrett, Eitan Farchi

The softmax function is a ubiquitous component at the output of neural networks and increasingly in intermediate layers as well.

Measuring the Measuring Tools: An Automatic Evaluation of Semantic Metrics for Text Corpora

2 code implementations29 Nov 2022 George Kour, Samuel Ackerman, Orna Raz, Eitan Farchi, Boaz Carmeli, Ateret Anaby-Tavor

The ability to compare the semantic similarity between text corpora is important in a variety of natural language processing applications.

Semantic Similarity Semantic Textual Similarity

Theory and Practice of Quality Assurance for Machine Learning Systems An Experiment Driven Approach

no code implementations2 Jan 2022 Samuel Ackerman, Guy Barash, Eitan Farchi, Orna Raz, Onn Shehory

The crafting of machine learning (ML) based systems requires statistical control throughout its life cycle.

Using sequential drift detection to test the API economy

no code implementations9 Nov 2021 Samuel Ackerman, Parijat Dube, Eitan Farchi

It is thus desirable to monitor the usage patterns and identify when the system is used in a way that was never used before.

Detecting model drift using polynomial relations

no code implementations24 Oct 2021 Eliran Roffe, Samuel Ackerman, Orna Raz, Eitan Farchi

We thus use a set of learned strong polynomial relations to identify drift.


Density-based interpretable hypercube region partitioning for mixed numeric and categorical data

no code implementations11 Oct 2021 Samuel Ackerman, Eitan Farchi, Orna Raz, Marcel Zalmanovici, Maya Zohar

A user may want to know where in the feature space observations are concentrated, and where it is sparse or empty.

Causal Inference

Towards API Testing Across Cloud and Edge

no code implementations6 Sep 2021 Samuel Ackerman, Sanjib Choudhury, Nirmit Desai, Eitan Farchi, Dan Gisolfi, Andrew Hicks, Saritha Route, Diptikalyan Saha

API economy is driving the digital transformation of business applications across the hybrid Cloud and edge environments.

Broadly Applicable Targeted Data Sample Omission Attacks

no code implementations4 May 2021 Guy Barash, Eitan Farchi, Sarit Kraus, Onn Shehory

We show that, with a low attack budget, our attack's success rate is above 80%, and in some cases 100%, for white-box learning.

PAC learning

Detection of data drift and outliers affecting machine learning model performance over time

no code implementations16 Dec 2020 Samuel Ackerman, Eitan Farchi, Orna Raz, Marcel Zalmanovici, Parijat Dube

Drift is distribution change between the training and deployment data, which is concerning if model performance changes.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Sequential Drift Detection in Deep Learning Classifiers

no code implementations31 Jul 2020 Samuel Ackerman, Parijat Dube, Eitan Farchi

We utilize neural network embeddings to detect data drift by formulating the drift detection within an appropriate sequential decision framework.

Change Detection

Defending via strategic ML selection

no code implementations16 Jan 2019 Eitan Farchi, Onn Shehory, Guy Barash

There are cases in which an adversary can strategically tamper with the input data to affect the outcome of the learning process.

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