Search Results for author: Ekaterina Loginova

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Structural information in mathematical formulas for exercise difficulty prediction: a comparison of NLP representations

no code implementations NAACL (BEA) 2022 Ekaterina Loginova, Dries Benoit

To tailor a learning system to the student’s level and needs, we must consider the characteristics of the learning content, such as its difficulty.

Active Learning to Guide Labeling Efforts for Question Difficulty Estimation

1 code implementation14 Sep 2024 Arthur Thuy, Ekaterina Loginova, Dries F. Benoit

The experiments demonstrate that active learning with PowerVariance acquisition achieves a performance close to fully supervised models after labeling only 10% of the training data.

Active Learning Question Answering

Code-Mixed Question Answering Challenge: Crowd-sourcing Data and Techniques

no code implementations WS 2018 Ch, Khyathi u, Ekaterina Loginova, Vishal Gupta, Josef van Genabith, G{\"u}nter Neumann, Manoj Chinnakotla, Eric Nyberg, Alan W. black

As a first step towards fostering research which supports CM in NLP applications, we systematically crowd-sourced and curated an evaluation dataset for factoid question answering in three CM languages - Hinglish (Hindi+English), Tenglish (Telugu+English) and Tamlish (Tamil+English) which belong to two language families (Indo-Aryan and Dravidian).

Question Answering Sentence

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