no code implementations • 16 Dec 2023 • Akram Abderraouf Gharbi, Ammar Chouchane, Mohcene Bessaoudi, Abdelmalik Ouamane, El Ouanas Belabbaci
In this paper, we present a novel person reidentification (PRe-ID) system that based on tensor feature representation and multilinear subspace learning.
no code implementations • 6 Dec 2023 • El Ouanas Belabbaci, Mohammed Khammari, Ammar Chouchane, Mohcene Bessaoudi, Abdelmalik Ouamane, Yassine Himeur, Shadi Atalla, Wathiq Mansoor
The challenge of kinship verification from facial images represents a cutting-edge and formidable frontier in the realms of pattern recognition and computer vision.