Search Results for author: Elena V. Epure

Found 16 papers, 11 papers with code

Modéliser la perception des genres musicaux à travers différentes cultures à partir de ressources linguistiques (Modeling the Music Genre Perception across Language-Bound Cultures )

no code implementations JEP/TALN/RECITAL 2021 Elena V. Epure, Guillaume Salha-Galvan, Manuel Moussallam, Romain Hennequin

Nous résumons nos travaux de recherche, présentés à la conférence EMNLP 2020 et portant sur la modélisation de la perception des genres musicaux à travers différentes cultures, à partir de représentations sémantiques spécifiques à différentes langues.

Detecting Synthetic Lyrics with Few-Shot Inference

no code implementations21 Jun 2024 Yanis Labrak, Gabriel Meseguer-Brocal, Elena V. Epure

In recent years, generated content in music has gained significant popularity, with large language models being effectively utilized to produce human-like lyrics in various styles, themes, and linguistic structures.

Distinguishing Fictional Voices: a Study of Authorship Verification Models for Quotation Attribution

1 code implementation30 Jan 2024 Gaspard Michel, Elena V. Epure, Romain Hennequin, Christophe Cerisara

Recent approaches to automatically detect the speaker of an utterance of direct speech often disregard general information about characters in favor of local information found in the context, such as surrounding mentions of entities.

Authorship Verification

Automatic Annotation of Direct Speech in Written French Narratives

1 code implementation27 Jun 2023 Noé Durandard, Viet-Anh Tran, Gaspard Michel, Elena V. Epure

The automatic annotation of direct speech (AADS) in written text has been often used in computational narrative understanding.

A Human Subject Study of Named Entity Recognition (NER) in Conversational Music Recommendation Queries

1 code implementation13 Mar 2023 Elena V. Epure, Romain Hennequin

We conducted a human subject study of named entity recognition on a noisy corpus of conversational music recommendation queries, with many irregular and novel named entities.

Music Recommendation named-entity-recognition +2

Exploiting Device and Audio Data to Tag Music with User-Aware Listening Contexts

1 code implementation14 Nov 2022 Karim M. Ibrahim, Elena V. Epure, Geoffroy Peeters, Gaël Richard

Namely, we propose a system which can generate a situational playlist for a user at a certain time 1) by leveraging user-aware music autotaggers, and 2) by automatically inferring the user's situation from stream data (e. g. device, network) and user's general profile information (e. g. age).

Retrieval TAG

Topic Modeling on Podcast Short-Text Metadata

1 code implementation12 Jan 2022 Francisco B. Valero, Marion Baranes, Elena V. Epure

Podcasts have emerged as a massively consumed online content, notably due to wider accessibility of production means and scaled distribution through large streaming platforms.


Probing Pre-trained Auto-regressive Language Models for Named Entity Typing and Recognition

1 code implementation LREC 2022 Elena V. Epure, Romain Hennequin

The results show: auto-regressive language models as meta-learners can perform NET and NER fairly well especially for regular or seen names; name irregularity when often present for a certain entity type can become an effective exploitable cue; names with words foreign to the model have the most negative impact on results; the model seems to rely more on name than context cues in few-shot NER.

Entity Typing Few-shot NER +2

Multilingual Music Genre Embeddings for Effective Cross-Lingual Music Item Annotation

1 code implementation16 Sep 2020 Elena V. Epure, Guillaume Salha, Romain Hennequin

However, without a parallel corpus, previous solutions could not handle tag systems in other languages, being limited to the English-language only.

Information Retrieval Music Recommendation +4

Muzeeglot : annotation multilingue et multi-sources d'entit\'es musicales \`a partir de repr\'esentations de genres musicaux (Muzeeglot : cross-lingual multi-source music item annotation from music genre embeddings)

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2020 Elena V. Epure, Guillaume Salha, F{\'e}lix Voituret, Marion Baranes, Romain Hennequin

Au sein de cette d{\'e}monstration, nous pr{\'e}sentons Muzeeglot, une interface web permettant de visualiser des espaces de repr{\'e}sentations de genres musicaux provenant de sources vari{\'e}es et de langues diff{\'e}rentes.

Leveraging Knowledge Bases And Parallel Annotations For Music Genre Translation

2 code implementations18 Jul 2019 Elena V. Epure, Anis Khlif, Romain Hennequin

Here, we choose a new angle for the genre study by seeking to predict what would be the genres of musical items in a target tag system, knowing the genres assigned to them within source tag systems.

Diversity regression +2

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