Search Results for author: Eliyahu Kiperwasser

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Learning to Diversify for Product Question Generation

no code implementations6 Jul 2022 Haggai Roitman, Uriel Singer, Yotam Eshel, Alexander Nus, Eliyahu Kiperwasser

For a given product description, our goal is to generate questions that reflect potential user information needs that are either missing or not well covered in the description.

Decoder Diversity +2

Sequential Modeling with Multiple Attributes for Watchlist Recommendation in E-Commerce

1 code implementation18 Oct 2021 Uriel Singer, Haggai Roitman, Yotam Eshel, Alexander Nus, Ido Guy, Or Levi, Idan Hasson, Eliyahu Kiperwasser

In e-commerce, the watchlist enables users to track items over time and has emerged as a primary feature, playing an important role in users' shopping journey.

Attribute Sequential Recommendation

Scheduled Multi-Task Learning: From Syntax to Translation

no code implementations TACL 2018 Eliyahu Kiperwasser, Miguel Ballesteros

Neural encoder-decoder models of machine translation have achieved impressive results, while learning linguistic knowledge of both the source and target languages in an implicit end-to-end manner.

Decoder Machine Translation +2

Easy-First Dependency Parsing with Hierarchical Tree LSTMs

no code implementations TACL 2016 Eliyahu Kiperwasser, Yoav Goldberg

We suggest a compositional vector representation of parse trees that relies on a recursive combination of recurrent-neural network encoders.

Dependency Parsing Word Embeddings

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