Search Results for author: Elkhan Ismayilzada

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

GBOSE: Generalized Bandit Orthogonalized Semiparametric Estimation

no code implementations20 Jan 2023 Mubarrat Chowdhury, Elkhan Ismayilzada, Khalequzzaman Sayem, Gi-Soo Kim

In this work we propose a new algorithm with a semi-parametric reward model with state-of-the-art complexity of upper bound on regret amongst existing semi-parametric algorithms.

Decision Making Management +2

Transformer-Based Unified Recognition of Two Hands Manipulating Objects

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Hoseong Cho, Chanwoo Kim, Jihyeon Kim, Seongyeong Lee, Elkhan Ismayilzada, Seungryul Baek

In our framework, we insert the whole image depicting two hands, an object and their interactions as input and jointly estimate 3 information from each frame: poses of two hands, pose of an object and object types.

Action Recognition Object

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