no code implementations • 7 Dec 2022 • Yue Han, Christopher Jerrett, Elliot Anshelevich
In particular, we show that for any such pair of objectives, it is always possible to choose an outcome which simultaneously approximates both objectives within a factor of $1+\sqrt{2}$, and give a precise characterization of how this factor improves as the two objectives being optimized become more similar.
no code implementations • 25 Jun 2019 • Ben Abramowitz, Elliot Anshelevich, Wennan Zhu
Previous work has often assumed that only ordinal preferences of the voters are known (instead of their true costs), and focused on minimizing distortion: the quality of the chosen candidate as compared with the best possible candidate.
no code implementations • 13 Oct 2016 • Elliot Anshelevich, Shreyas Sekar
We study truthful mechanisms for matching and related problems in a partial information setting, where the agents' true utilities are hidden, and the algorithm only has access to ordinal preference information.
no code implementations • 23 Dec 2015 • Elliot Anshelevich, John Postl
We determine the quality of randomized social choice mechanisms in a setting in which the agents have metric preferences: every agent has a cost for each alternative, and these costs form a metric.
no code implementations • 17 Dec 2015 • Elliot Anshelevich, Shreyas Sekar
Using our algorithms for matching as a black-box, we also design new approximation algorithms for other closely related problems: these include a a 3. 2-approximation for the problem of clustering agents into equal sized partitions, a 4-approximation algorithm for Densest k-subgraph, and a 2. 14-approximation algorithm for Max TSP.
no code implementations • 27 Aug 2015 • Elliot Anshelevich, Shreyas Sekar
Consider a setting where selfish agents are to be assigned to coalitions or projects from a fixed set P. Each project k is characterized by a valuation function; v_k(S) is the value generated by a set S of agents working on project k. We study the following classic problem in this setting: "how should the agents divide the value that they collectively create?".