Search Results for author: Emmanuel Baltsavias

Found 10 papers, 9 papers with code

Integrated monitoring of ice in selected Swiss lakes. Final project report

3 code implementations2 Aug 2020 Manu Tom, Melanie Suetterlin, Damien Bouffard, Mathias Rothermel, Stefan Wunderle, Emmanuel Baltsavias

Secondly, and as a pilot project, the use of existing public Webcams was investigated for (a) validation of results from satellite data, and (b) independent estimation of lake ice, especially for small lakes like St. Moritz, that could not be possibly monitored in the satellite images.

Photi-LakeIce Dataset

1 code implementation ISPRS Congress 2020 Rajanie Prabha, Manu Tom, Mathias Rothermel, Emmanuel Baltsavias, Laura Leal-Taixe, Konrad Schindler

On average, it achieves intersection-over-union (IoU) values of ~71% across different cameras and ~69% across different winters, greatly outperforming prior work.

Change detection for remote sensing images Image Segmentation +4

Lake Ice Monitoring with Webcams and Crowd-Sourced Images

2 code implementations18 Feb 2020 Rajanie Prabha, Manu Tom, Mathias Rothermel, Emmanuel Baltsavias, Laura Leal-Taixe, Konrad Schindler

On average, it achieves intersection-over-union (IoU) values of ~71% across different cameras and ~69% across different winters, greatly outperforming prior work.

Change detection for remote sensing images Image Segmentation +4

Lake Ice Detection from Sentinel-1 SAR with Deep Learning

1 code implementation17 Feb 2020 Manu Tom, Roberto Aguilar, Pascal Imhof, Silvan Leinss, Emmanuel Baltsavias, Konrad Schindler

Lake ice, as part of the Essential Climate Variable (ECV) lakes, is an important indicator to monitor climate change and global warming.

Change detection for remote sensing images Deep Learning +3

Super-resolution of Sentinel-2 images: Learning a globally applicable deep neural network

3 code implementations12 Mar 2018 Charis Lanaras, José Bioucas-Dias, Silvano Galliani, Emmanuel Baltsavias, Konrad Schindler

The aim of this research is to super-resolve the lower-resolution (20 m and 60 m Ground Sampling Distance - GSD) bands to 10 m GSD, so as to obtain a complete data cube at the maximal sensor resolution.


Hyperspectral Super-Resolution by Coupled Spectral Unmixing

no code implementations ICCV 2015 Charis Lanaras, Emmanuel Baltsavias, Konrad Schindler

Hyperspectral super-resolution addresses this problem, by fusing a low-resolution hyperspectral image and a conventional high-resolution image into a product of both high spatial and high spectral resolution.


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