Search Results for author: Enrico Bertini

Found 13 papers, 8 papers with code

State of the Art of Visual Analytics for eXplainable Deep Learning

no code implementations Computer Graphics Forum 2023 Biagio La Rosa, Graziano Blasilli, Romain Bourqui, David Auber, Giuseppe Santucci, Roberto Capobianco, Enrico Bertini, Romain Giot, Marco Angelini

The survey concludes by identifying future research challenges and bridging activities that are helpful to strengthen the role of Visual Analytics as effective support for eXplainable Deep Learning and to foster the adoption of Visual Analytics solutions in the eXplainable Deep Learning community.

Deep Learning Survey

Visual Exploration of Machine Learning Model Behavior with Hierarchical Surrogate Rule Sets

1 code implementation19 Jan 2022 Jun Yuan, Brian Barr, Kyle Overton, Enrico Bertini

We also contribute SuRE, a visual analytics (VA) system that integrates HSR and interactive surrogate rule visualizations.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

An Exploration And Validation of Visual Factors in Understanding Classification Rule Sets

no code implementations19 Sep 2021 Jun Yuan, Oded Nov, Enrico Bertini

Rule sets are typically presented as a text-based list of logical statements (rules).

AdViCE: Aggregated Visual Counterfactual Explanations for Machine Learning Model Validation

1 code implementation12 Sep 2021 Oscar Gomez, Steffen Holter, Jun Yuan, Enrico Bertini

Rapid improvements in the performance of machine learning models have pushed them to the forefront of data-driven decision-making.

BIG-bench Machine Learning counterfactual +1

Visualizing Rule Sets: Exploration and Validation of a Design Space

no code implementations1 Mar 2021 Jun Yuan, Oded Nov, Enrico Bertini

Rule sets are typically presented as a text-based list of logical statements (rules).

Towards Ground Truth Explainability on Tabular Data

1 code implementation20 Jul 2020 Brian Barr, Ke Xu, Claudio Silva, Enrico Bertini, Robert Reilly, C. Bayan Bruss, Jason D. Wittenbach

In data science, there is a long history of using synthetic data for method development, feature selection and feature engineering.

Feature Engineering feature selection

PipelineProfiler: A Visual Analytics Tool for the Exploration of AutoML Pipelines

1 code implementation arXiv 2020 Jorge Piazentin Ono, Sonia Castelo, Roque Lopez, Enrico Bertini, Juliana Freire, Claudio Silva

In recent years, a wide variety of automated machine learning (AutoML) methods have been proposed to search and generate end-to-end learning pipelines.

Human-Computer Interaction

Human Factors in Model Interpretability: Industry Practices, Challenges, and Needs

1 code implementation23 Apr 2020 Sungsoo Ray Hong, Jessica Hullman, Enrico Bertini

As the use of machine learning (ML) models in product development and data-driven decision-making processes became pervasive in many domains, people's focus on building a well-performing model has increasingly shifted to understanding how their model works.

Decision Making

ViCE: Visual Counterfactual Explanations for Machine Learning Models

1 code implementation5 Mar 2020 Oscar Gomez, Steffen Holter, Jun Yuan, Enrico Bertini

The continued improvements in the predictive accuracy of machine learning models have allowed for their widespread practical application.

BIG-bench Machine Learning counterfactual

Visus: An Interactive System for Automatic Machine Learning Model Building and Curation

no code implementations5 Jul 2019 Aécio Santos, Sonia Castelo, Cristian Felix, Jorge Piazentin Ono, Bowen Yu, Sungsoo Hong, Cláudio T. Silva, Enrico Bertini, Juliana Freire

In this paper, we present Visus, a system designed to support the model building process and curation of ML data processing pipelines generated by AutoML systems.

AutoML BIG-bench Machine Learning

RuleMatrix: Visualizing and Understanding Classifiers with Rules

1 code implementation17 Jul 2018 Yao Ming, Huamin Qu, Enrico Bertini

With the growing adoption of machine learning techniques, there is a surge of research interest towards making machine learning systems more transparent and interpretable.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Navigate

A Workflow for Visual Diagnostics of Binary Classifiers using Instance-Level Explanations

1 code implementation4 May 2017 Josua Krause, Aritra Dasgupta, Jordan Swartz, Yindalon Aphinyanaphongs, Enrico Bertini

Human-in-the-loop data analysis applications necessitate greater transparency in machine learning models for experts to understand and trust their decisions.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Using Visual Analytics to Interpret Predictive Machine Learning Models

no code implementations17 Jun 2016 Josua Krause, Adam Perer, Enrico Bertini

It is commonly believed that increasing the interpretability of a machine learning model may decrease its predictive power.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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