Search Results for author: Eric Gaussier

Found 33 papers, 10 papers with code

Contribution d’informations syntaxiques aux capacités de généralisation compositionelle des modèles seq2seq convolutifs (Assessing the Contribution of Syntactic Information for Compositional Generalization of seq2seq Convolutional Networks)

no code implementations JEP/TALN/RECITAL 2021 Diana Nicoleta Popa, William N. Havard, Maximin Coavoux, Eric Gaussier, Laurent Besacier

Le jeu de données SCAN, constitué d’un ensemble de commandes en langage naturel associées à des séquences d’action, a été spécifiquement conçu pour évaluer les capacités des réseaux de neurones à apprendre ce type de généralisation compositionnelle.

Enhanced Retrieval of Long Documents: Leveraging Fine-Grained Block Representations with Large Language Models

no code implementations28 Jan 2025 Minghan Li, Eric Gaussier, Guodong Zhou

In recent years, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional power in various domains, including information retrieval.

Information Retrieval RAG +1

GIFT: A Framework for Global Interpretable Faithful Textual Explanations of Vision Classifiers

1 code implementation23 Nov 2024 Éloi Zablocki, Valentin Gerard, Amaia Cardiel, Eric Gaussier, Matthieu Cord, Eduardo Valle

We introduce GIFT, a framework for deriving post-hoc, global, interpretable, and faithful textual explanations for vision classifiers.


KeyB2: Selecting Key Blocks is Also Important for Long Document Ranking with Large Language Models

no code implementations9 Nov 2024 Minghan Li, Eric Gaussier, Juntao Li, Guodong Zhou

Comprehensive experiments on long-document datasets, including TREC 2019 DL, Robust04, and MLDR-zh, show that KeyB2 outperforms baselines like RankLLaMA and KeyB by reducing reranking time and GPU memory usage while enhancing retrieval performance, achieving new SOTA results on TREC 2019 DL with higher NDCG@10 and MAP scores.

Document Ranking Information Retrieval +1

Domain Adaptation for Dense Retrieval and Conversational Dense Retrieval through Self-Supervision by Meticulous Pseudo-Relevance Labeling

no code implementations13 Mar 2024 Minghan Li, Eric Gaussier

Experiments on standard dense retrieval and conversational dense retrieval models both demonstrate improvements on baseline models when they are fine-tuned on the pseudo-relevance labeled data.

Conversational Search Domain Adaptation +1

On the Fly Detection of Root Causes from Observed Data with Application to IT Systems

1 code implementation9 Feb 2024 Lei Zan, Charles K. Assaad, Emilie Devijver, Eric Gaussier, Ali Aït-Bachir

This paper introduces a new structural causal model tailored for representing threshold-based IT systems and presents a new algorithm designed to rapidly detect root causes of anomalies in such systems.

Causal Discovery

Identifiability of total effects from abstractions of time series causal graphs

no code implementations23 Oct 2023 Charles K. Assaad, Emilie Devijver, Eric Gaussier, Gregor Gössler, Anouar Meynaoui

We study the problem of identifiability of the total effect of an intervention from observational time series in the situation, common in practice, where one only has access to abstractions of the true causal graph.

Time Series

Case Studies of Causal Discovery from IT Monitoring Time Series

no code implementations28 Jul 2023 Ali Aït-Bachir, Charles K. Assaad, Christophe de Bignicourt, Emilie Devijver, Simon Ferreira, Eric Gaussier, Hosein Mohanna, Lei Zan

Despite its potential benefits, applying causal discovery algorithms on IT monitoring data poses challenges, due to the complexity of the data.

Causal Discovery Missing Values +1

Causal Discovery from Time Series with Hybrids of Constraint-Based and Noise-Based Algorithms

1 code implementation14 Jun 2023 Daria Bystrova, Charles K. Assaad, Julyan Arbel, Emilie Devijver, Eric Gaussier, Wilfried Thuiller

In the second class, a constraint-based strategy is applied to identify a skeleton, which is then oriented using a noise-based strategy.

Causal Discovery Time Series

Domain Adaptation for Dense Retrieval through Self-Supervision by Pseudo-Relevance Labeling

no code implementations13 Dec 2022 Minghan Li, Eric Gaussier

To address this issue, researchers have resorted to adversarial learning and query generation approaches; both approaches nevertheless resulted in limited improvements.

Domain Adaptation Information Retrieval +2

The Power of Selecting Key Blocks with Local Pre-ranking for Long Document Information Retrieval

1 code implementation18 Nov 2021 Minghan Li, Diana Nicoleta Popa, Johan Chagnon, Yagmur Gizem Cinar, Eric Gaussier

On a wide range of natural language processing and information retrieval tasks, transformer-based models, particularly pre-trained language models like BERT, have demonstrated tremendous effectiveness.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

Entropy-based Discovery of Summary Causal Graphs in Time Series

no code implementations21 May 2021 Charles K. Assaad, Emilie Devijver, Eric Gaussier

This study addresses the problem of learning a summary causal graph on time series with potentially different sampling rates.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

SmoothI: Smooth Rank Indicators for Differentiable IR Metrics

1 code implementation3 May 2021 Thibaut Thonet, Yagmur Gizem Cinar, Eric Gaussier, Minghan Li, Jean-Michel Renders

To address this shortcoming, we propose SmoothI, a smooth approximation of rank indicators that serves as a basic building block to devise differentiable approximations of IR metrics.

Information Retrieval Learning-To-Rank +1

Globalizing BERT-based Transformer Architectures for Long Document Summarization

no code implementations EACL 2021 Quentin Grail, Julien Perez, Eric Gaussier

Fine-tuning a large language model on downstream tasks has become a commonly adopted process in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) (CITATION).

Document Summarization Extractive Summarization +3

Smooth And Consistent Probabilistic Regression Trees

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Sami Alkhoury, Emilie Devijver, Marianne Clausel, Myriam Tami, Eric Gaussier, Georges Oppenheim

We propose here a generalization of regression trees, referred to as Probabilistic Regression (PR) trees, that adapt to the smoothness of the prediction function relating input and output variables while preserving the interpretability of the prediction and being robust to noise.


Word Representations Concentrate and This is Good News!

1 code implementation CONLL 2020 Romain Couillet, Yagmur Gizem Cinar, Eric Gaussier, Muhammad Imran

This article establishes that, unlike the legacy tf*idf representation, recent natural language representations (word embedding vectors) tend to exhibit a so-called \textit{concentration of measure phenomenon}, in the sense that, as the representation size $p$ and database size $n$ are both large, their behavior is similar to that of large dimensional Gaussian random vectors.

Heavy-tailed Representations, Text Polarity Classification & Data Augmentation

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Hamid Jalalzai, Pierre Colombo, Chloé Clavel, Eric Gaussier, Giovanna Varni, Emmanuel Vignon, Anne Sabourin

The dominant approaches to text representation in natural language rely on learning embeddings on massive corpora which have convenient properties such as compositionality and distance preservation.

Attribute Data Augmentation +4

Supervised Categorical Metric Learning with Schatten p-Norms

no code implementations26 Feb 2020 Xuhui Fan, Eric Gaussier

In this paper, we propose a method, called CPML for \emph{categorical projected metric learning}, that tries to efficiently~(i. e. less computational time and better prediction accuracy) address the problem of metric learning in categorical data.

Metric Learning

Regularly varying representation for sentence embedding

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Hamid Jalalzai, Pierre Colombo, Chloé Clavel, Eric Gaussier, Giovanna Varni, Emmanuel Vignon, Anne Sabourin

The dominant approaches to sentence representation in natural language rely on learning embeddings on massive corpuses.

Attribute Sentence +3

Terminology-based Text Embedding for Computing Document Similarities on Technical Content

no code implementations JEPTALNRECITAL 2019 Hamid Mirisaee, Eric Gaussier, Cedric Lagnier, Agnes Guerraz

We propose in this paper a new, hybrid document embedding approach in order to address the problem of document similarities with respect to the technical content.

Document Embedding

Uncertain Trees: Dealing with Uncertain Inputs in Regression Trees

no code implementations27 Oct 2018 Myriam Tami, Marianne Clausel, Emilie Devijver, Adrien Dulac, Eric Gaussier, Stefan Janaqi, Meriam Chebre

Tree-based ensemble methods, as Random Forests and Gradient Boosted Trees, have been successfully used for regression in many applications and research studies.


Deep $k$-Means: Jointly clustering with $k$-Means and learning representations

1 code implementation26 Jun 2018 Maziar Moradi Fard, Thibaut Thonet, Eric Gaussier

We study in this paper the problem of jointly clustering and learning representations.


Topical Coherence in LDA-based Models through Induced Segmentation

1 code implementation ACL 2017 Hesam Amoualian, Wei Lu, Eric Gaussier, Georgios Balikas, Massih R. Amini, Marianne Clausel

This paper presents an LDA-based model that generates topically coherent segments within documents by jointly segmenting documents and assigning topics to their words.

Ad-Hoc Information Retrieval General Classification +3

Position-based Content Attention for Time Series Forecasting with Sequence-to-sequence RNNs

no code implementations29 Mar 2017 Yagmur G. Cinar, Hamid Mirisaee, Parantapa Goswami, Eric Gaussier, Ali Ait-Bachir, Vadim Strijov

We propose here an extended attention model for sequence-to-sequence recurrent neural networks (RNNs) designed to capture (pseudo-)periods in time series.

Position Time Series +1

Modeling topic dependencies in semantically coherent text spans with copulas

1 code implementation COLING 2016 Georgios Balikas, Hesam Amoualian, Marianne Clausel, Eric Gaussier, Massih R. Amini

The exchangeability assumption in topic models like Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) often results in inferring inconsistent topics for the words of text spans like noun-phrases, which are usually expected to be topically coherent.

Topic Models

Natural Language Generation through Character-based RNNs with Finite-state Prior Knowledge

no code implementations COLING 2016 Raghav Goyal, Marc Dymetman, Eric Gaussier

Recently Wen et al. (2015) have proposed a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) approach to the generation of utterances from dialog acts, and shown that although their model requires less effort to develop than a rule-based system, it is able to improve certain aspects of the utterances, in particular their naturalness.

Attribute Language Modelling +3

LSHTC: A Benchmark for Large-Scale Text Classification

no code implementations30 Mar 2015 Ioannis Partalas, Aris Kosmopoulos, Nicolas Baskiotis, Thierry Artieres, George Paliouras, Eric Gaussier, Ion Androutsopoulos, Massih-Reza Amini, Patrick Galinari

LSHTC is a series of challenges which aims to assess the performance of classification systems in large-scale classification in a a large number of classes (up to hundreds of thousands).

General Classification text-classification +1

A Study of Association Measures and their Combination for Arabic MWT Extraction

no code implementations10 Sep 2014 Abdelkader El Mahdaouy, Saïd EL Alaoui Ouatik, Eric Gaussier

Automatic Multi-Word Term (MWT) extraction is a very important issue to many applications, such as information retrieval, question answering, and text categorization.

Information Retrieval Question Answering +3

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