1 code implementation • 5 Jun 2024 • You Zuo, Kim Gerdes, Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie, Benoît Sagot
In this work, we introduce a comprehensive error typology specifically designed for evaluating two distinct tasks in machine-generated patent texts: claims-to-abstract generation, and the generation of the next claim given previous ones.
no code implementations • SEMEVAL 2019 • Ilia Markov, Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie
We present the INRIA approach to the suggestion mining task at SemEval 2019.
no code implementations • LREC 2016 • Corentin Ribeyre, Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie, Djam{\'e} Seddah
Parsing predicate-argument structures in a deep syntax framework requires graphs to be predicted.
no code implementations • WS 2013 • Djam{\'e} Seddah, Reut Tsarfaty, S K{\"u}bler, ra, C, Marie ito, Jinho D. Choi, Rich{\'a}rd Farkas, Jennifer Foster, Iakes Goenaga, Koldo Gojenola Galletebeitia, Yoav Goldberg, Spence Green, Nizar Habash, Marco Kuhlmann, Wolfgang Maier, Joakim Nivre, Adam Przepi{\'o}rkowski, Ryan Roth, Wolfgang Seeker, Yannick Versley, Veronika Vincze, Marcin Woli{\'n}ski, Alina Wr{\'o}blewska, Eric Villemonte de la Clergerie