Search Results for author: Erik Jenner

Found 9 papers, 4 papers with code

When Your AIs Deceive You: Challenges of Partial Observability in Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

no code implementations27 Feb 2024 Leon Lang, Davis Foote, Stuart Russell, Anca Dragan, Erik Jenner, Scott Emmons

Past analyses of reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) assume that the human evaluators fully observe the environment.

STARC: A General Framework For Quantifying Differences Between Reward Functions

no code implementations26 Sep 2023 Joar Skalse, Lucy Farnik, Sumeet Ramesh Motwani, Erik Jenner, Adam Gleave, Alessandro Abate

This means that reward learning algorithms generally must be evaluated empirically, which is expensive, and that their failure modes are difficult to anticipate in advance.

Calculus on MDPs: Potential Shaping as a Gradient

no code implementations20 Aug 2022 Erik Jenner, Herke van Hoof, Adam Gleave

In reinforcement learning, different reward functions can be equivalent in terms of the optimal policies they induce.


Preprocessing Reward Functions for Interpretability

1 code implementation25 Mar 2022 Erik Jenner, Adam Gleave

In many real-world applications, the reward function is too complex to be manually specified.

Extensions of Karger's Algorithm: Why They Fail in Theory and How They Are Useful in Practice

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Erik Jenner, Enrique Fita Sanmartín, Fred A. Hamprecht

However, we then present a simple new algorithm for seeded segmentation / graph-based semi-supervised learning that is closely based on Karger's original algorithm, showing that for these problems, extensions of Karger's algorithm can be useful.

Gaussian Processes Image Segmentation +1

Steerable Partial Differential Operators for Equivariant Neural Networks

4 code implementations ICLR 2022 Erik Jenner, Maurice Weiler

In deep learning, however, these maps are usually defined by convolutions with a kernel, whereas they are partial differential operators (PDOs) in physics.

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