no code implementations • 6 Jul 2023 • Ainesh Bakshi, Piotr Indyk, Rajesh Jayaram, Sandeep Silwal, Erik Waingarten
For any two point sets $A, B \subset \mathbb{R}^d$ of size up to $n$, the Chamfer distance from $A$ to $B$ is defined as $\text{CH}(A, B)=\sum_{a \in A} \min_{b \in B} d_X(a, b)$, where $d_X$ is the underlying distance measure (e. g., the Euclidean or Manhattan distance).
no code implementations • 19 May 2022 • Maryam Aliakbarpour, Andrew Mcgregor, Jelani Nelson, Erik Waingarten
Recent work of Acharya et al. (NeurIPS 2019) showed how to estimate the entropy of a distribution $\mathcal D$ over an alphabet of size $k$ up to $\pm\epsilon$ additive error by streaming over $(k/\epsilon^3) \cdot \text{polylog}(1/\epsilon)$ i. i. d.
no code implementations • 26 Apr 2020 • Xi Chen, Rajesh Jayaram, Amit Levi, Erik Waingarten
The main contribution is an algorithm for finding relevant coordinates in a $k$-junta distribution with subcube conditioning [BC18, CCKLW20].
no code implementations • 17 Nov 2019 • Clément L. Canonne, Xi Chen, Gautam Kamath, Amit Levi, Erik Waingarten
We give a nearly-optimal algorithm for testing uniformity of distributions supported on $\{-1, 1\}^n$, which makes $\tilde O (\sqrt{n}/\varepsilon^2)$ queries to a subcube conditional sampling oracle (Bhattacharyya and Chakraborty (2018)).
no code implementations • 18 Nov 2016 • Alexandr Andoni, Huy L. Nguyen, Aleksandar Nikolov, Ilya Razenshteyn, Erik Waingarten
We show that every symmetric normed space admits an efficient nearest neighbor search data structure with doubly-logarithmic approximation.