Search Results for author: Ernest Fraenkel

Found 8 papers, 4 papers with code

Remote Inference of Cognitive Scores in ALS Patients Using a Picture Description

no code implementations13 Sep 2023 Carla Agurto, Guillermo Cecchi, Bo Wen, Ernest Fraenkel, James Berry, Indu Navar, Raquel Norel

In this paper, we focused on another important aspect, cognitive impairment, which affects 35-50% of the ALS population.

Adaptive Bias Correction for Improved Subseasonal Forecasting

1 code implementation21 Sep 2022 Soukayna Mouatadid, Paulo Orenstein, Genevieve Flaspohler, Judah Cohen, Miruna Oprescu, Ernest Fraenkel, Lester Mackey

Subseasonal forecasting -- predicting temperature and precipitation 2 to 6 weeks ahead -- is critical for effective water allocation, wildfire management, and drought and flood mitigation.

Management Precipitation Forecasting

SubseasonalClimateUSA: A Dataset for Subseasonal Forecasting and Benchmarking

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2023 Soukayna Mouatadid, Paulo Orenstein, Genevieve Flaspohler, Miruna Oprescu, Judah Cohen, Franklyn Wang, Sean Knight, Maria Geogdzhayeva, Sam Levang, Ernest Fraenkel, Lester Mackey

To streamline this process and accelerate future development, we introduce SubseasonalClimateUSA, a curated dataset for training and benchmarking subseasonal forecasting models in the United States.


Graph-Sparse Logistic Regression

1 code implementation15 Dec 2017 Alexander LeNail, Ludwig Schmidt, Johnathan Li, Tobias Ehrenberger, Karen Sachs, Stefanie Jegelka, Ernest Fraenkel

We introduce Graph-Sparse Logistic Regression, a new algorithm for classification for the case in which the support should be sparse but connected on a graph.

General Classification regression

Unsupervised learning of transcriptional regulatory networks via latent tree graphical models

no code implementations20 Sep 2016 Anthony Gitter, Furong Huang, Ragupathyraj Valluvan, Ernest Fraenkel, Animashree Anandkumar

We use a latent tree graphical model to analyze gene expression without relying on transcription factor expression as a proxy for regulator activity.

Discovering Neuronal Cell Types and Their Gene Expression Profiles Using a Spatial Point Process Mixture Model

no code implementations4 Feb 2016 Furong Huang, Animashree Anandkumar, Christian Borgs, Jennifer Chayes, Ernest Fraenkel, Michael Hawrylycz, Ed Lein, Alessandro Ingrosso, Srinivas Turaga

Single-cell RNA sequencing can now be used to measure the gene expression profiles of individual neurons and to categorize neurons based on their gene expression profiles.

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