Search Results for author: Esha Uboweja

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

On-device Real-time Custom Hand Gesture Recognition

no code implementations19 Sep 2023 Esha Uboweja, David Tian, Qifei Wang, Yi-Chun Kuo, Joe Zou, Lu Wang, George Sung, Matthias Grundmann

Our framework provides a pre-trained single-hand embedding model that can be fine-tuned for custom gesture recognition.

Hand Gesture Recognition Hand-Gesture Recognition

On-device Real-time Hand Gesture Recognition

no code implementations29 Oct 2021 George Sung, Kanstantsin Sokal, Esha Uboweja, Valentin Bazarevsky, Jonathan Baccash, Eduard Gabriel Bazavan, Chuo-Ling Chang, Matthias Grundmann

We present an on-device real-time hand gesture recognition (HGR) system, which detects a set of predefined static gestures from a single RGB camera.

Hand Gesture Recognition Hand-Gesture Recognition

MediaPipe: A Framework for Building Perception Pipelines

3 code implementations14 Jun 2019 Camillo Lugaresi, Jiuqiang Tang, Hadon Nash, Chris McClanahan, Esha Uboweja, Michael Hays, Fan Zhang, Chuo-Ling Chang, Ming Guang Yong, Juhyun Lee, Wan-Teh Chang, Wei Hua, Manfred Georg, Matthias Grundmann

A developer can use MediaPipe to build prototypes by combining existing perception components, to advance them to polished cross-platform applications and measure system performance and resource consumption on target platforms.

Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing

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