Search Results for author: Eshika Saxena

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Teaching Transformers Modular Arithmetic at Scale

no code implementations4 Oct 2024 Eshika Saxena, Alberto Alfarano, Emily Wenger, Kristin Lauter

Promising applications of ML models for cryptanalysis-which often involve modular arithmetic with large $N$ and $q$-motivate reconsideration of this problem.


Salsa Fresca: Angular Embeddings and Pre-Training for ML Attacks on Learning With Errors

no code implementations2 Feb 2024 Samuel Stevens, Emily Wenger, Cathy Li, Niklas Nolte, Eshika Saxena, François Charton, Kristin Lauter

Our architecture improvements enable scaling to larger-dimension LWE problems: this work is the first instance of ML attacks recovering sparse binary secrets in dimension $n=1024$, the smallest dimension used in practice for homomorphic encryption applications of LWE where sparse binary secrets are proposed.


OpenXAI: Towards a Transparent Evaluation of Model Explanations

2 code implementations22 Jun 2022 Chirag Agarwal, Dan Ley, Satyapriya Krishna, Eshika Saxena, Martin Pawelczyk, Nari Johnson, Isha Puri, Marinka Zitnik, Himabindu Lakkaraju

OpenXAI comprises of the following key components: (i) a flexible synthetic data generator and a collection of diverse real-world datasets, pre-trained models, and state-of-the-art feature attribution methods, and (ii) open-source implementations of eleven quantitative metrics for evaluating faithfulness, stability (robustness), and fairness of explanation methods, in turn providing comparisons of several explanation methods across a wide variety of metrics, models, and datasets.

Benchmarking Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) +1

Rethinking Stability for Attribution-based Explanations

no code implementations14 Mar 2022 Chirag Agarwal, Nari Johnson, Martin Pawelczyk, Satyapriya Krishna, Eshika Saxena, Marinka Zitnik, Himabindu Lakkaraju

As attribution-based explanation methods are increasingly used to establish model trustworthiness in high-stakes situations, it is critical to ensure that these explanations are stable, e. g., robust to infinitesimal perturbations to an input.

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