Search Results for author: Ethan M. I. Johnson

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

A deep learning approach to using wearable seismocardiography (SCG) for diagnosing aortic valve stenosis and predicting aortic hemodynamics obtained by 4D flow MRI

no code implementations5 Jan 2023 Mahmoud E. Khani, Ethan M. I. Johnson, Aparna Sodhi, Joshua Robinson, Cynthia K. Rigsby, Bradly D. Allen, Michael Markl

We also investigated the ability of this deep learning technique to differentiate between patients diagnosed with aortic valve stenosis (AS), non-AS patients with a bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), non-AS patients with a mechanical aortic valve (MAV), and healthy subjects with a normal tricuspid aortic valve (TAV).

Deep Learning

Least Squares Optimal Density Compensation for the Gridding Non-uniform Discrete Fourier Transform

no code implementations12 Jun 2021 Nicholas Dwork, Daniel O'Connor, Ethan M. I. Johnson, Corey A. Baron, Jeremy W. Gordon, John M. Pauly, Peder E. Z. Larson

The Gridding algorithm has shown great utility for reconstructing images from non-uniformly spaced samples in the Fourier domain in several imaging modalities.

Fast Variable Density Poisson-Disc Sample Generation with Directional Variation

no code implementations14 Apr 2020 Nicholas Dwork, Corey A. Baron, Ethan M. I. Johnson, Daniel O'Connor, John M. Pauly, Peder E. Z. Larson

We present a fast method for generating random samples according to a variable density Poisson-disc distribution.

Utilizing the Wavelet Transform's Structure in Compressed Sensing

no code implementations11 Feb 2020 Nicholas Dwork, Daniel O'Connor, Corey A. Baron, Ethan M. I. Johnson, Adam B. Kerr, John M. Pauly, Peder E. Z. Larson

In this work, we take advantage of the structure of this wavelet transform and identify an affine transformation that increases the sparsity of the result.

Denoising Image Reconstruction

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