Search Results for author: Ethan Schonfeld

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Generative Adversarial Network Based Synthetic Learning and a Novel Domain Relevant Loss Term for Spine Radiographs

no code implementations5 May 2022 Ethan Schonfeld, Anand Veeravagu

We further demonstrate the success of synthetic learning for the spine domain with a downstream clinical classification task (AUC of 0. 830 using synthetic data compared to AUC of 0. 886 using the real data).

Generative Adversarial Network

Understanding Transfer Learning for Chest Radiograph Clinical Report Generation with Modified Transformer Architectures

no code implementations5 May 2022 Edward Vendrow, Ethan Schonfeld

In this paper we demonstrate the importance of domain specific pre-training and propose a modified transformer architecture for the medical image captioning task.

Image Captioning Transfer Learning

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