Search Results for author: Etienne Dreyer

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Denoising Graph Super-Resolution towards Improved Collider Event Reconstruction

no code implementations24 Sep 2024 Nilotpal Kakati, Etienne Dreyer, Eilam Gross

Accurately reconstructing particles from detector data is a critical challenge in experimental particle physics, where the spatial resolution of calorimeters has a crucial impact.

Denoising Super-Resolution

PASCL: Supervised Contrastive Learning with Perturbative Augmentation for Particle Decay Reconstruction

1 code implementation18 Feb 2024 Junjian Lu, Siwei Liu, Dmitrii Kobylianski, Etienne Dreyer, Eilam Gross, Shangsong Liang

In high-energy physics, particles produced in collision events decay in a format of a hierarchical tree structure, where only the final decay products can be observed using detectors.

Contrastive Learning

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