1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2023 • Evangelos Ntavelis, Aliaksandr Siarohin, Kyle Olszewski, Chaoyang Wang, Luc van Gool, Sergey Tulyakov
We present a novel approach to the generation of static and articulated 3D assets that has a 3D autodecoder at its core.
no code implementations • 30 Apr 2023 • Evangelos Ntavelis, Mohamad Shahbazi, Iason Kastanis, Radu Timofte, Martin Danelljan, Luc van Gool
Thus, by independently sampling a variant for each gene and combining them into the final latent vector, our approach can represent a vast number of unique latent samples from a compact set of learnable parameters.
1 code implementation • 22 Mar 2023 • Mohamad Shahbazi, Evangelos Ntavelis, Alessio Tonioni, Edo Collins, Danda Pani Paudel, Martin Danelljan, Luc van Gool
Pose-conditioned convolutional generative models struggle with high-quality 3D-consistent image generation from single-view datasets, due to their lack of sufficient 3D priors.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2022 • Evangelos Ntavelis, Mohamad Shahbazi, Iason Kastanis, Radu Timofte, Martin Danelljan, Luc van Gool
Positional encodings have enabled recent works to train a single adversarial network that can generate images of different scales.
1 code implementation • 6 May 2021 • Evangelos Ntavelis, Jan Remund, Philipp Schmid
Recent advances in Computer Vision and Deep Learning have enabled astonishing results in a variety of fields and applications.
3 code implementations • 2 Oct 2020 • Evangelos Ntavelis, Andrés Romero, Siavash Bigdeli, Radu Timofte
This report focuses on proposed solutions and results for two different tracks on extreme image inpainting: classical image inpainting and semantically guided image inpainting.
1 code implementation • ECCV 2020 • Evangelos Ntavelis, Andrés Romero, Iason Kastanis, Luc van Gool, Radu Timofte
In contrast to previous methods that employ a discriminator that trivially concatenates semantics and image as an input, the SESAME discriminator is composed of two input streams that independently process the image and its semantics, using the latter to manipulate the results of the former.