Search Results for author: Evgeniya Ustinova

Found 5 papers, 4 papers with code

Hyperbolic Image Embeddings

3 code implementations CVPR 2020 Valentin Khrulkov, Leyla Mirvakhabova, Evgeniya Ustinova, Ivan Oseledets, Victor Lempitsky

Computer vision tasks such as image classification, image retrieval and few-shot learning are currently dominated by Euclidean and spherical embeddings, so that the final decisions about class belongings or the degree of similarity are made using linear hyperplanes, Euclidean distances, or spherical geodesic distances (cosine similarity).

Few-Shot Learning General Classification +3

Domain-Adversarial Training of Neural Networks

36 code implementations28 May 2015 Yaroslav Ganin, Evgeniya Ustinova, Hana Ajakan, Pascal Germain, Hugo Larochelle, François Laviolette, Mario Marchand, Victor Lempitsky

Our approach is directly inspired by the theory on domain adaptation suggesting that, for effective domain transfer to be achieved, predictions must be made based on features that cannot discriminate between the training (source) and test (target) domains.

Domain Generalization General Classification +5

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