1 code implementation • 6 Oct 2023 • Selim F. Yilmaz, Ezgi Ozyilkan, Deniz Gunduz, Elza Erkip
We consider low-latency image transmission over a noisy wireless channel when correlated side information is present only at the receiver side (the Wyner-Ziv scenario).
no code implementations • 10 Jan 2023 • Ezgi Ozyilkan, Mateen Ulhaq, Hyomin Choi, Fabien Racape
As an increasing amount of image and video content will be analyzed by machines, there is demand for a new codec paradigm that is capable of compressing visual input primarily for the purpose of computer vision inference, while secondarily supporting input reconstruction.
1 code implementation • 18 Jul 2022 • Nitish Mital, Ezgi Ozyilkan, Ali Garjani, Deniz Gunduz
In the proposed method, the decoder employs a cross-attention module to align the feature maps obtained from the received latent representation of the input image and a latent representation of the side information.
3 code implementations • 22 Jun 2021 • Nitish Mital, Ezgi Ozyilkan, Ali Garjani, Deniz Gunduz
The received latent representation and the locally generated common information are passed through a decoder network to obtain an enhanced reconstruction of the input image.
no code implementations • 3 Nov 2020 • Ezgi Ozyilkan, Mikolaj Jankowski
We propose joint transmission-recognition schemes for efficient inference at the wireless edge.