Search Results for author: Fa Zhang

Found 9 papers, 4 papers with code

Simple but Effective Unsupervised Classification for Specified Domain Images: A Case Study on Fungi Images

no code implementations15 Nov 2023 Zhaocong liu, Fa Zhang, Lin Cheng, Huanxi Deng, Xiaoyan Yang, Zhenyu Zhang, ChiChun Zhou

Addressing this, an unsupervised classification method with three key ideas is introduced: 1) dual-step feature dimensionality reduction using a pre-trained model and manifold learning, 2) a voting mechanism from multiple clustering algorithms, and 3) post-hoc instead of prior manual annotation.

Classification Dimensionality Reduction +1

CryoAlign: feature-based method for global and local 3D alignment of EM density maps

no code implementations17 Sep 2023 Bintao He, Fa Zhang, Chenjie Feng, Jianyi Yang, Xin Gao, Renmin Han

Advances on cryo-electron imaging technologies have led to a rapidly increasing number of density maps.

MFAI: A Scalable Bayesian Matrix Factorization Approach to Leveraging Auxiliary Information

1 code implementation5 Mar 2023 Zhiwei Wang, Fa Zhang, Cong Zheng, Xianghong Hu, Mingxuan Cai, Can Yang

Here, we consider a matrix factorization problem by utilizing auxiliary information, which is massively available in real-world applications, to overcome the challenges caused by poor data quality.

Missing Values Variational Inference

DWMD: Dimensional Weighted Orderwise Moment Discrepancy for Domain-specific Hidden Representation Matching

no code implementations18 Jul 2020 Rongzhe Wei, Fa Zhang, Bo Dong, Qinghua Zheng

Our metric function takes advantage of a series for high-order moment alignment, and we theoretically prove that our DWMD metric function is error-free, which means that it can strictly reflect the distribution differences between domains and is valid without any feature distribution assumption.

Transfer Learning Unsupervised Domain Adaptation +1

DLBI: Deep learning guided Bayesian inference for structure reconstruction of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy

1 code implementation20 May 2018 Yu Li, Fan Xu, Fa Zhang, Pingyong Xu, Mingshu Zhang, Ming Fan, Lihua Li, Xin Gao, Renmin Han

Our method combines the strength of deep learning and statistical inference, where deep learning captures the underlying distribution of the fluorophores that are consistent with the observed time-series fluorescent images by exploring local features and correlation along time-axis, and statistical inference further refines the ultrastructure extracted by deep learning and endues physical meaning to the final image.

Bayesian Inference Deep Learning +3

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