Search Results for author: Fabio Ayres

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Measuring similarity between embedding spaces using induced neighborhood graphs

no code implementations13 Nov 2024 Tiago F. Tavares, Fabio Ayres, Paris Smaragdis

These experiments are based on specific assumptions about the geometry of embedding spaces, which allow finding paired items by extrapolating the positional relationships between embedding pairs in the training dataset, allowing for tasks such as finding new analogies, and multimodal zero-shot classification.

Zero-Shot Learning

On Class Separability Pitfalls In Audio-Text Contrastive Zero-Shot Learning

no code implementations23 Aug 2024 Tiago Tavares, Fabio Ayres, Zhepei Wang, Paris Smaragdis

Recent advances in audio-text cross-modal contrastive learning have shown its potential towards zero-shot learning.

Contrastive Learning Zero-Shot Learning

Unsupervised Improvement of Audio-Text Cross-Modal Representations

1 code implementation3 May 2023 Zhepei Wang, Cem Subakan, Krishna Subramani, Junkai Wu, Tiago Tavares, Fabio Ayres, Paris Smaragdis

In this paper, we study unsupervised approaches to improve the learning framework of such representations with unpaired text and audio.

Acoustic Scene Classification Classification +2

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