no code implementations • 17 Nov 2023 • Said Ouala, Bertrand Chapron, Fabrice Collard, Lucile Gaultier, Ronan Fablet
Most of these efforts in defining hybrid dynamical systems follow {offline} learning strategies in which the neural parameterization (called here sub-model) is trained to output an ideal correction.
no code implementations • 11 Feb 2022 • Said Ouala, Steven L. Brunton, Ananda Pascual, Bertrand Chapron, Fabrice Collard, Lucile Gaultier, Ronan Fablet
The complexity of real-world geophysical systems is often compounded by the fact that the observed measurements depend on hidden variables.
no code implementations • 11 May 2021 • Said Ouala, Laurent Debreu, Ananda Pascual, Bertrand Chapron, Fabrice Collard, Lucile Gaultier, Ronan Fablet
Inevitably, a numerical simulation of a differential equation will then always be distinct from a true analytical solution.
1 code implementation • 4 Jul 2019 • Said Ouala, Duong Nguyen, Lucas. Drumetz, Bertrand Chapron, Ananda Pascual, Fabrice Collard, Lucile Gaultier, Ronan Fablet
This paper addresses the data-driven identification of latent dynamical representations of partially-observed systems, i. e., dynamical systems for which some components are never observed, with an emphasis on forecasting applications, including long-term asymptotic patterns.