no code implementations • WS 2019 • Majdi Sawalha, Faisal Al-Shargi, Abdallah AlShdaifat, Sane Yagi, Mohammad A. Qudah
To compile a modern dictionary that catalogues the words in currency, and to study linguistic patterns in the contemporary language, it is necessary to have a corpus of authentic texts that reflect current usage of the language.
no code implementations • 4 Jul 2019 • Saeedeh Shekarpour, Faisal Al-Shargi
The increasing rate of information pollution on the Web requires novel solutions to tackle that.
no code implementations • LREC 2018 • Nizar Habash, Fadhl Eryani, Salam Khalifa, Owen Rambow, Dana Abdulrahim, Alex Erdmann, er, Reem Faraj, Wajdi Zaghouani, Houda Bouamor, Nasser Zalmout, Sara Hassan, Faisal Al-Shargi, Sakhar Alkhereyf, Basma Abdulkareem, Esk, Ramy er, Mohammad Salameh, Hind Saddiki
no code implementations • 19 Jan 2017 • Saeedeh Shekarpour, Faisal Al-Shargi, Valerie Shalin, Krishnaprasad Thirunarayan, Amit P. Sheth
These use-cases demonstrate the benefits of using CEVO for annotation: (i) annotating English verbs from an abstract conceptualization, (ii) playing the role of an upper ontology for organizing ontological properties, and (iii) facilitating the annotation of text relations using any underlying vocabulary.
no code implementations • LREC 2016 • Faisal Al-Shargi, Aidan Kaplan, Esk, Ramy er, Nizar Habash, Owen Rambow
We present new language resources for Moroccan and Sanaani Yemeni Arabic.