Search Results for author: Falk Lieder

Found 15 papers, 7 papers with code

Experience-driven discovery of planning strategies

no code implementations4 Dec 2024 Ruiqi He, Falk Lieder

In this work, we propose that new planning strategies are discovered through metacognitive reinforcement learning.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning

Leveraging automatic strategy discovery to teach people how to select better projects

1 code implementation6 Jun 2024 Lovis Heindrich, Falk Lieder

We develop a computational method (MGPS) that automatically discovers project selection strategies that are optimized for real people and develop an intelligent tutor that teaches the discovered strategies.

Decision Making

What are the mechanisms underlying metacognitive learning?

no code implementations9 Feb 2023 Ruiqi He, Falk Lieder

How is it that humans can solve complex planning tasks so efficiently despite limited cognitive resources?

Model Selection

Toward a normative theory of (self-)management by goal-setting

no code implementations6 Feb 2023 Nishad Singhi, Florian Mohnert, Ben Prystawski, Falk Lieder

This creates an untapped opportunity to derive practical recommendations for which subgoals managers and individuals should set from cognitive models of bounded rationality.


Have I done enough planning or should I plan more?

1 code implementation3 Jan 2022 Ruiqi He, Yash Raj Jain, Falk Lieder

People's decisions about how to allocate their limited computational resources are essential to human intelligence.

Model Selection

Automatic Discovery and Description of Human Planning Strategies

1 code implementation29 Sep 2021 Julian Skirzynski, Yash Raj Jain, Falk Lieder

Our method utilizes a new algorithm, called Human-Interpret, that performs imitation learning to describe sequences of planning operations in terms of a procedural formula and then translates that formula to natural language.

Imitation Learning Ingenuity +1

Optimal To-Do List Gamification for Long Term Planning

no code implementations14 Sep 2021 Saksham Consul, Jugoslav Stojcheski, Valkyrie Felso, Falk Lieder

We test the accuracy of the incentivised to-do list by comparing the performance of the strategy with the points computed exactly using Value Iteration for a variety of case studies.

Optimal to-do list gamification

1 code implementation12 Aug 2020 Jugoslav Stojcheski, Valkyrie Felso, Falk Lieder

Optimal gamification strives to help people overcome these problems by incentivizing each task by a number of points that communicates how valuable it is in the long-run.

Automatic Discovery of Interpretable Planning Strategies

1 code implementation24 May 2020 Julian Skirzyński, Frederic Becker, Falk Lieder

Our algorithm combines recent advances in imitation learning and program induction with a new clustering method for identifying a large subset of demonstrations that can be accurately described by a simple, high-performing decision rule.

Clustering Imitation Learning +3

Learning to select computations

no code implementations18 Nov 2017 Frederick Callaway, Sayan Gul, Paul M. Krueger, Thomas L. Griffiths, Falk Lieder

The efficient use of limited computational resources is an essential ingredient of intelligence.


Algorithm selection by rational metareasoning as a model of human strategy selection

no code implementations NeurIPS 2014 Falk Lieder, Dillon Plunkett, Jessica B. Hamrick, Stuart J. Russell, Nicholas Hay, Tom Griffiths

Rational metareasoning appears to be a promising framework for reverse-engineering how people choose among cognitive strategies and translating the results into better solutions to the algorithm selection problem.

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