Search Results for author: Fan-Keng Sun

Found 8 papers, 4 papers with code

KirchhoffNet: A Scalable Ultra Fast Analog Neural Network

no code implementations24 Oct 2023 Zhengqi Gao, Fan-Keng Sun, Ron Rohrer, Duane S. Boning

Essentially, KirchhoffNet is an analog circuit that can function as a neural network, utilizing its initial node voltages as the neural network input and the node voltages at a specific time point as the output.

FreDo: Frequency Domain-based Long-Term Time Series Forecasting

no code implementations24 May 2022 Fan-Keng Sun, Duane S. Boning

Finally, we validate that the frequency domain is indeed better by comparing univariate models trained in the frequency v. s.

Time Series Time Series Forecasting

Adjusting for Autocorrelated Errors in Neural Networks for Time Series

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2021 Fan-Keng Sun, Christopher I. Lang, Duane S. Boning

A common assumption in training neural networks via maximum likelihood estimation on time series is that the errors across time steps are uncorrelated.

Time Series Time Series Forecasting +1

Conditioned Natural Language Generation using only Unconditioned Language Model: An Exploration

no code implementations14 Nov 2020 Fan-Keng Sun, Cheng-I Lai

Transformer-based language models have shown to be very powerful for natural language generation (NLG).

Attribute Diversity +2

Variational inference formulation for a model-free simulation of a dynamical system with unknown parameters by a recurrent neural network

no code implementations2 Mar 2020 Kyongmin Yeo, Dylan E. C. Grullon, Fan-Keng Sun, Duane S. Boning, Jayant R. Kalagnanam

Unlike the classical variational inference, where a factorized distribution is used to approximate the posterior, we employ a feedforward neural network supplemented by an encoder recurrent neural network to develop a more flexible probabilistic model.

Time Series Time Series Analysis +1

Temporal Pattern Attention for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting

4 code implementations12 Sep 2018 Shun-Yao Shih, Fan-Keng Sun, Hung-Yi Lee

To obtain accurate prediction, it is crucial to model long-term dependency in time series data, which can be achieved to some good extent by recurrent neural network (RNN) with attention mechanism.

Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Time Series +1

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