Search Results for author: Fangwei Ye

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Compression before Fusion: Broadcast Semantic Communication System for Heterogeneous Tasks

no code implementations31 Jan 2024 Mingze Gong, Shuoyao Wang, Fangwei Ye, Suzhi Bi

Semantic communication has emerged as new paradigm shifts in 6G from the conventional syntax-oriented communications.

Semantic Communication

Mechanisms for Hiding Sensitive Genotypes with Information-Theoretic Privacy

no code implementations10 Jul 2020 Fangwei Ye, Hyunghoon Cho, Salim El Rouayheb

Motivated by the growing availability of personal genomics services, we study an information-theoretic privacy problem that arises when sharing genomic data: a user wants to share his or her genome sequence while keeping the genotypes at certain positions hidden, which could otherwise reveal critical health-related information.

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